Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
My Soul Talks
07-14-2002 E 5:55 p.m.
Eesh, I'm not used to the time change. Aubree just reminded me Charmed in on tonight. I had completely forgotten. I get so used to one routine that when it changes, I play catch up for the next week or so. Ah well, they say "change is good for the soul."

You wanna know something? I've had Egypt, my cat, for a year now since yesterday. Pretty cool, huh? *knock on wood* I hope our luck with him holds. (The longest we've ever had a cat has been a year and some odd months.) So far he's gone exploring twice over a period of a few days; the first time he was found at the nearby elementary school where a busy intersection separates this block from the school campus. He had a broken leg. So we've survived that and a viral infection. He bears the mark of an "M" on his forehead, which somebody told me meant he was blessed. If they're right, then Egypt has a charmed life. I hope. I'd like him to live his full life expectantcy.

I had an interesting experience at church today. Our lesson in Sunday School was on the Psalms. Bro. North talked about the cultural, personal and historical contexts. His point was while we may get the historical part and have a personal attachment to whichever ones, we probably will not get the cultural aspect because we did not live 1000 years ago. To prove his point he played clips from several songs that were popular in different eras. Glen Miller, The Platters, disco and the Backstreet Boys. This is when I had that experience. The Spirit could be felt while he played the first three clips. Now, I love the Backstreet Boys. I even have two of their albums and want a third, but when he played the opening to "Larger Than Life" I think it's called, I felt a withdrawl of the Spirit.

It's not a bad song or suggestive--I don't think. And Bro. North said those who've grown up with it probably didn't feel a withdrawl because the Spirit is used to being with or seeing them in that atmosphere. That could be true as I grew up in the 80s and the Backstreet Boys arrived on the scene in the late 90s. However, I think the reason I felt the withdrawl is because I'm not used to hearing that music in a reverent setting. And besides it didn't belong there.

It's easy to say that now and would be an automatic response of mine then because of we were taught. But I must admit it bothered me that one of my favorite songs by a favorite group could scare the Spirit away. I pondered over it because it didn't register right away. It's a great song and put you in a great mood. It's just that it excites you, and when it's time to be reverent your soul needs to be quiet...respectful.

The love bug seems to have bitten. Two of my friends seem to have fallen under the spells of two guys. And they have it bad. Though I can't be too hard on them when they fly away with their imaginations a mile a millisecond. I remember I behaved in the same way with my first love at 13. In talking to them I hope I'm not too harsh. I'm grateful on the one hand to be Sane Mary and not have the dubious sweet anxiety of wondering if the object of my affection returns an interest. But they cause me to wonder if my heart will ever be touched genuinely enough to give to another person. Am I really an ice princess? And to copy Heather, will there even be a guy out there who wants me for me and not just hang around until he eyes a better, prettier package?

I don't think I expect too much. Heck, I know he'll have flaws, but that's ok. Going back to an earlier conversation when Jessy and Nathaniel were here, it was made obvious by my fam that they think I'll be an old maid.

Jessy laughed and joked, "Mike and Jen married last year. I'm getting married this August. Next it will be Kami's turn!"

"Well, it could be Shiloh's," Nathaniel interjected. I smiled, gratified.

Jessy paused as if thinking about the possibility.

"Hmmm, no," Mom said in regards to Kami getting married, shaking her head then added that I was waiting for my hubby to be perfected.

Uh, no. All I ask is that he respects women, he loves me second to the Father and will protect our family, him to be faithful and for him to be a good father. Surely that's reasonable? I want a partner, not a master or overgrown kid. That's what Evan and Stephen have taught me.

Oh, he'll most likely have an inner kid, which is wonderful, if he's out there. I have a feeling I'll be the sterner parent if I ever have kids, but that's ok. If the guy I described is out there waiting for me as well, he'll balance me out.
What soap is for the body, tears are for the soul.

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Recently Recorded...
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06-07-2006 E A Real-Life American Princess
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06-03-2006 E The Ballot-Marking Device: Making History
06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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