Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
The Tests Have It: I'm an Angel!
07-15-2002 E 8:01 p.m.
Ok, I give in. I must be an angel of sorts if two or three tests I've taken say I am one. Last night I gave in to the itch to visit Emode.com. I took the "what's your goddess identity" test. I figured it was based on Greek mythology, which I love. (Warda knows about that.) But nope. I later learned after I saw my results that they weren't even a possibility. LOL You're either a Pixie, a Sphinx, an Angel or a Muse.

As I said, I must have some angelic traits because I came out an angel:

"Just like the haloed and winged guardians of good, you truly have a heart of gold, sweet Angel. Whenever there's a chance to pitch in, save the day or just make life easier for the people around you, you're the one for the job.

You don't just jump in without planning--you use your angelic head to figure out how to do things right the first time, like only the most dependable goddesses can. Whether brainstorming a new solution to a problem, planning a surprise party for your parents, or lending your friends a wing to cry on, you've got the right instincts, so follow them whenever you can. As natural as it is for you to take care of the people around you, don't forget to treat yourself right, too. The best friendships, and loves, of a lifetime tend to blossom when you become your own guardian angel.

So don't listen to those who say nice girls finish last. People have always seen you as a goddess of thoughtfulness and good intentions, and it hasn't slowed you down a bit. All in all, Angel, you've got it made with your glowing attitude and ability to see from on high. So get out there and change the world!"

Uh yeah, well I don't know that "people have always seen" me as a goddess, but it's nice to have such a description. And if two or three tests say I'm an angel, who am I to deny it? *winks*

It's sssooo muggy!!! Aaaaaaaa! At least if I were in Texas there'd be air conditioning! I'd be under or next to that baby till I had goose bumps on my skin! I've almost forgotten what it's like to be just right. Hardly any breeze is comin' through the open window behind me. Ugh. That rainstorm I mentioned in a previous entry sure sounds good right about now. Please rain, with thunder and lightning. I could use a thrill and a reminder of good ole summer days or nights at Nan's. There's something electric--not counting the lightning--about those types of storms. Perhaps it's the power? The majesty? The beauty? Whatever it is, it's electrifying! *winks*
Why do you suppose God gave us two ears and only one mouth?

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