Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Exciting Day and NDEs
02-05-2003 E 6:46 p.m.
I guess the Fates decided that my life has been staid long enough and needed some embarrassment. Today they made up for that unfortunate observation. Like last Wednesday, we got our papers back. Remember my concerns about her liking it? It was more gut reaction and opinion than analytical. And remember how I said I was determined to get a check plus on my next paper? Well, she bowled me over with a feather in class today, as the old saying goes. The unimaginable happened. If a paper has impressed her, she has the writer read it to the class. When she announced the first day that she may have us do this I thought I was safe. I was pretty sure others in class would impress her with their observations more than I would.

There were many impressive papers in this batch, and so I was just passively listening to her share gleamings from the various topics the class wrote on... Until she said these fateful words: "Shiloh's paper..." Naturally I sat up straighter and in an unbelieving daze I listened to her bring out some points in my paper. Then she asked me to read it out loud to introduce our topic today. My heart started pounding as I hate to read anything to a large group because of my awareness of my speech impediment. But I did it, hoping people understood. The professor took down notes as I read. I can't believe she thought my paper provided that interesting of an angle!

The Fates weren't done with me yet. From the moment I'd pulled into class I felt the warning feeling of an oncoming seizure. I tried quietly to do breathing exercises so my neighbor wouldn't notice and I kept praying I could get through class without one. But it was not to be. Twenty minutes or so before class ended I went into one. Scared the professor and a few students, but someone knew what was happening and he just held my hand and talked calmly. I of course, was so embarrassed and had to hold off the mortified tears until I got inside the van with Mom. Then I lost it. My first seizure in class ever. I wouldn't recommend it.

I find Out of Body Experiences (OBEs) interesting. One of the series I love reading is about a kid who can have them at will. The writer gave it to him as a talent to help others, and because of it Bart and his friends have many adventures. NDEs are similar to them, but there are differences. In the interest of time I'll just list briefly the 10 components of the NDEs. (This is also helping me compose my paper for Grieving.)

1) There's an inability to describe it fully.
2) Sometimes people see their bodies; more often though they hear the doctor declare a time of death.
3) There's a feeling of peace and quiet.
4) People hear a noise as...
5) They go through a dark passage, cave, tunnel, well with rapid movement.
6) OBE--seeing their body unemotionally or as an object. The new self is lacking in solidity, is invisible to the living, is weightless, ageless and of some form. There is no sensation of temp. and communication is by thought transference.
7) People are often met by beings they trust.
8) Sometimes they are met by a Being of Light, and he has a personality, a sense of humor and loves knowledge. Sometimes he asks questions.
9) Sometimes the Being shows a life review of that person's life.
10) People are shocked back or sucked back into their bodies.

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moon phase


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