Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
"Thee," "Thine," "Thy" and "Thou"
02-01-2003 E 8:15 p.m.
My second paper for Lit. is almost done! Whoopee! I just have one more point to make and the conclusion and I'll be done! *raises arms triumphantly* I'll do that and print it off tomorrow. But my fingers and poor brain will not get a break, I'm afraid.

I have my first paper for Grieving due Friday and a third paper for Lit. due that following Monday. No rest for the weary. I told you I'd be in papers galore this semester. =os I will, however, get a reprieve thanks to Valentine's Day and President's Day being three days apart. So, thank you, thank you 2003 for having them three days apart. It may be the first of very few breaks I get before Spring Break.

Once again, however--getting back to the paper--I'm not sure she'll like my topic. It's more initial reaction than looking for deeper meanings. My last one was how the literary piece was a product of its era, author and culture if you remember. This one is about the difference between the language found in the Revised Standard Version and the language found in the King James Version. The former uses simple and plain speech such as "you" and "your," whereas the latter uses the formal "thee," "thy," etc., etc.

I know it's the same scripture and they're sacred no matter what, but the whole reading of the exerpts from Exodus and the Song of Songs in the textbook felt like I was reading a secular history and an erotic love poem. However, when I went to my KJV for a comparison I felt more comfortable. I was reassured in the feeling of sacredness the formal language lent to the words. It's a mindset I know, but doesn't the words "thee" and "thou" sound formal to you and lend a more reverent feel to the scriptures? Or am I blowing in zee wind here?
If I could reach up and hold a star for every time you've made me smile, the entire evening sky would be in the palm of my hand.
~Author Unknown~

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moon phase


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