Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
A Muse Box
06-17-2004 E 2:00 p.m.
I'll update now, what the hey. I may update later, but I won't guarantee it. *winks* We all know how that's gone for me lately.

For almost a month now I've been gripped by a strange mood. It's more than cabin fever and restlessness. (Though I've had them plenty.) I would almost say it's a creative streak, or bug, that I've caught that has gone unfulfilled or been denied. Not intentionally, of course, but still...the need or compulsion has been unaddressed while I was without my computer.

The (complicated) thing is while I have this desire to write and create, poems, short writing clips, etc., there's a greater desire to express myself in a deeper, more soulful way. Anne Frank said it best: "I want to write, but more than that, I want to bring out all kinds of things that lie buried in my heart." This is the feeling I have, but it gets more complicated because sometimes when the mood comes upon me I can't find the right words when I put pen to paper, and now that the computer's back, when I fill a blank screen with keystrokes.

Enter Soul Food Cafe. I found this site about two weeks ago when I was surfing for other (writing) prompt sites to add to P-O-Y and the Chocolate Box. I couldn't really explore it too deeply on Dad's computer, so I waited till mine was returned. But it looked cool. It's only now--on my what? twelfth time?--that I'm just beginning to understand the concept the webmistress had in mind when she created this and be able to navigate my way around without stumbling.

It's a real Internet cafe. And I don't mean the kind where you go in, order something in the way of food or drink then dink around on the Internet kiosks the cafe has for its customers. I'm talking a real Internet cafe here. One that's on the net and can take its customers virtually anywhere. Its patrons are artists, writers, musicians...anything to do with creativity and the arts. The idea behind this cafe is to feed your soul's creativity and fuel your imagination. It's awesome!

A few days ago I stumbled into the House of the Muse. I was looking for a writing prompt, of course, but what I found instead was this: a Muse Box. It sounds fun, huh? That's one of my aims this summer, to create my own Muse Box and fill it with things that inspire me. I already have one thing to put in it: a small votive candle that smells of lilac blossoms. Perhaps I'll even find a picture of Thalia, the Muse of Comedy, who is over playful and idyllic poetry--the closest to what I do--and add it in as well. It couldn't hurt to beseech a Muse, now could it?

In the meantime I'll write and write, praying and hoping I'll be able to tap into the creativity I hope is still there, lying dormant.

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06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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