Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Something to Think About
11-19-2003 E 3:50 p.m.
Well, Heather just dropped a bombshell on me. Among the changes I keep mentioning in her life, she has begun to think about moving. She has been maturing and changing these past several months enough that she realizes she's becoming emotionally independent of her family. Which I think is a good change for her.

So the bombshell was the reopening of a long-past discussion: us moving in together to get out on our own. Before, it was me who so wanted to move out. Heather, on the other hand, showed lil enthusiasm and I knew she didn't want to leave her comfort zone. So, I stayed here.

I once again made noises about moving out a while ago, but then I had a couple of seizures and Mom and Dad did not want me moving without having a roommate. Sensible, logical and oh-so-annoyingly right--to a degree. What if I hurt myself during one when I was alone? Um...during 98% of them I am alone. They happen mostly when I'm in bed. And speaking of bed, my room is downstairs while everyone else's is upstairs! I am alone! I have to yell or scream at the top of my lungs for quite some time to get anyone to hear me if I need help. Only difference of me moving on my own is just that--I'd be alone at night, versus having others in the same house, albeit upstairs at the opposite end. *sigh*

And speaking of moving in with Heather...she broached the subject, talking of the possibilities, even looking at classifieds on the net while we're talking. Then she said, "Well, we'll have to think on it and talk more about it in a week or two. I'll have to think and see if I really want to move or if I even want a roomie."

...If I even want a roomie. Uh oooookkaayy. I'm tired from two late nights so that's my only excuse for sounding oversensitive and petulant. But I felt like saying, "Gee, thanks. Get my hopes up and then back pedal. Why didn't you think about if you wanted a roommate before you mentioned moving in together?"

That comment right there really annoyed me and added to the lack of...whatever it is I'm feeling...appreciation, attention, who knows. I'll let this blow all over when I've had more sleep.

But for now, I've got a lot to think about and I wish I could talk to Nana about this. In the meantime I'll pray.

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