Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Moderation In Addictions
09-02-2002 E 8:54 p.m.
It's hard to believe it's September. *looks at her calendar, noticing she needs to put September up*

You know, addictions to the most innocuous things like a game, such as Clue�, or series on tv like Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Charmed can be a joy or curse depending on how you handle it. You may be addicted, but if you control it doesn't necessarily rule your life. This is where the joy comes in. Especially with series. The best part is if you like a series, the fun continues after the original story is through. You don't have to leave the world the first story created when it's over. Well, you know this. *blush* But they can be frustrating in trying to keep up with them if they're books.

Today I found two books that seem excellent and...yep, they're series. Though they're both second from the beginning, lol. One is about a sleuthing cat named Familiar. The book I hold now is the second in "Fear Familiar: Desert Mysteries." The other book series is "A Tale of the Sea" involving a mythical kingdom like that of Atlantis, where the king sent his four children away for protection from a civil war. Now 25 years later it's time to reunite them. So I have to go to used book stores or online to track the previous ones down. LOL.

But back to how they can be a curse. Addictions, that is. They can so rule your life. For a while the Internet ruled mine. That's partly why my grades slipped there before I came home. It was so new to me and I was fascinated by how people could talk through computers! It was so awesome and I could be bold as opposed to my then shy self. Cool! It didn't help that I was becoming burned out as well and wanted to remain at home.

Aubree, as much as it pains me to see, is like me in that regard. When something is new to her, like Buffy and The Sims computer game, she immerses herself so completely almost to the point of ignoring chores. The first two seasons of said show is on DVD and only after a month of watching past episodes whenever she can catch them, Aubree bought the DVDs. She has become a Buffy maniac. *sigh* We've had to live through Buffy marathons since she bought them. I mean I like Buffy as well as zee next person, but she's come close to overkill a few times.

I may be still on the net everyday, but it's not absolutely vital to me anymore. I get on mostly to pass time, even though I read or crosstitch or try to write poetry. In fact, it's noon or between one and two when I get on anymore. People think I'm still hooked like I was before, but I am not. I know the truth; yes I'm still hooked, but if I had to be months without it I could. That is, if I were kept occupied. I was utterly addicted yes. I'm not proud of it, but at least I learned from it. I learned moderation in my addiction. I still try to catch up on series and try to see every episode of Charmed. I still surf the net and check my email everyday, but it's no longer a need.
Sweet mercy is nobility's true badge.
~William Shakespeare~

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06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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