Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
I Survived / Bloody Mary
10-23-2001 E 9:00 p.m.
Hallo! I think Spanish is looking up. The teacher can keep her life. *chuckle* I got a B on that nightmare of a midterm. She told us it would only take 2 freaking hours to do the test. (It was take-home if I haven't mentioned it already.) It took us bloody 10 hours to do it! And the instructions were left up to our interpretation. Anyways, it's over, I survived, I'm not flunking--I'm happy. I also did well on the assignments. Now if I can find the CD for the audio assignment....

We're still on the financial problems in math. Boring as ever. I will not make a good banker's wife or an accountant's. I can't feign the proper attentive face for this issue.

Bloody Mary. One thing I have a hard time with is people mixing up their history. *do not get started on John* Tonight it was Aubree. And yes, she's just an 11-year-old girl who's still learning. But it's aggravating to have her sit and argue with you. She was saying Mary, Queen of Scots was Bloody Mary. I have never heard of her being referred to that way. I watched her biography on A&E, and they never used that term. Now, her cousin Mary, Elizabeth's sister, was referred to that way. She had her own religious purging of England--if you would not revert back to Catholicism...you died. She even had Elizabeth in prison. Anyways, she is the only "Bloody Mary" I know. *sheepish look* Like this was important or like you wanted to know.

I told Aubree about Bloody Mary and Henry VIII. I guess Aubree is doing a report about Henry VIII and the term "Bloody Mary" arose. She also got a youth novel written in the form of a diary of Elizabeth I's life. *shrugs* I guess she's gotten into the history of that family. She asked if Elizabeth married.


"Then who got her throne?"

"Um, the throne reverted to the son of Mary, Queen of Scots. He was James the I. Actually, he was James V of Scotland, but James I of England."

I think that confused her. For she gave me this bewildered look. Actually it is kinda difficult to explain to a child who hates to study and has previously only shown interest in playing that a person can be enter name here V can also be enter name here I. But I'm quite surprised yet pleased she has expressed an interest. Night y'all.

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moon phase


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