Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
A Fine Line
10-22-2001 E 8:03 p.m.
Ok, got my profile done! Go check it out.

But keeping with today, remember the Brit, John? How I blasted him when I didn't really know him? Well, he made my blood boil today. I noticed recently that when he came on MSN he ignored me and I was thinking probably Heather too. Unless she contacted him.

Well Heather contacted him this afternoon to say hi. I guess he got a bit uppity or Heather just figured I'd want to know what he said, because she relayed his comment that he wasn't talking to us because he didn't want us gettin' on his back. We wondered when we'd get to him, and it looks like he's had his fill.

A devilish amusement filled me to know he finally got a backbone and that he's not going to take "American crap." We conversed briefly and then I layed out a peace offering before him. "I have a proposition for you," I said. "If you can tone the 'Britain is the best' attitude down, I won't get uppity."

"Only if you don't tell me how great America is." he grumped.

I tried to hold onto my patience. "John--" I sighed--"when have I ever said outright that America is better than any other country?"

"All the time," was the quick reply. "I'm tired of hearing about it."

*grits teeth* I never said America is better. "Well, that is why I'm doing this peace offering, just please don't go on about how Britain is the best."

"You can't help it. You're American. All Americans say they're the best." His tone was clearly pompous.

My eyes narrowed. I was mad but trying to hold my temper. "And Britain is?"

"Yes, it is the best." John said.

My mood was dangerous. "You had better be joking, or else." I warned angrily.

He smiled, not sensing my anger. "Serious. Britain is the best. What can I say?"

I seriously wanted to slap him or claw him. That was the last straw for me. I blocked him and will take him off. The man is blind, egotistical and pompous. He is always right, you are always wrong. There's no reasoning with him. At--all. You know, it's fine and dandy to be proud of your country, but when you pass into ethnocentricity you become a snob. There's a fine line, I think, between patriotism and ethnocentricity.

No country is better, well in resources and what it can provide for its citizens, yes. But in other regards, no. And I never once said America is superior. Never once did I also say it is better than Britain. Stupid man. But, he is out of my life and I should throw away the thorn he left behind in my side. Night.

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Recently Recorded...
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06-07-2006 E A Real-Life American Princess
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06-03-2006 E The Ballot-Marking Device: Making History
06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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