Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Mowgli and Lain
04-19-2002 E 6:39 p.m.
Hi. Actually Mike and Jen named the lil one Mowgli, like in The Jungle Book. They later thought he needed a lil bud to keep him company. So they rescued a lil gray one from a shelter in I.F. She's about the same age and had ear mites, so they took her to the vet and got medicine. They named her Lain, after some Anime character. Mom, who's been out to Grandma's farm, said they play so cute together. Lain, she said, is a friendly lil thang. She'll come to you or race you up and the basement stairs. And Mowgli's not about to be out done. They're precious and precosious(?). D-land needs a dictionary or thesaurus pop up link.

I got a most unwelcome phone call this morning. The advisors office at ISU's campus in I.F. told me the advisors there don't usually deal with graduation problems like mine. I may have to go clear down to Poky to talk to the Registrar's about it. Which means I'm SOL. Because 1) the van's broke; 2) there's only three gosh dang weeks left, and it's a bit late to be trying to pull all this together in the remotest of remote hopes that I can possibly graduate this soon. *sigh* This semester shoulda been planned differently.

One last frustration. A girl in my Philosophy class is affliated with a publishing company. She told anyone near her if they had poems or other material they would like possibly published to bring stuff in and she'd look at it. I have my three poems, an essay about angels and a movie review I did on Kenneth Brannaugh's Much Ado About Nothing. Not enough for a book, I know, but she still wants to see them. Thing is, Sandy, my care provider dumped the copies I kept in with a bunch of other papers I had around the apartment when I was moving. That's the frustrating part. If only she kept them in the folder I had them in! The folders made it to my room. But not the papers. Oh well. Kinda makes me wish I was good at writing poetry; I could have had a handful of poems by now with the three I have and therefore might have had enough for a possible small book. I guess I can always keep trying. =0} Also there's that clipping, A Unicorn's Love. Do you think if I clean it up and flesh it out it might be acceptable to add to the poems? I'm gonna check to see if my past essays are still on Dad's computer, but I highly doubt it. Also there are philosophical exerpts from Thoughts of a Writer... I guess I could use. I was thinking perhaps the entry from Sept. 11th. Or those on the aftermath. I dunno. I'll ask Patty when I next see her, what type of things they're looking for.

Shane's coming over from Boise. *brightens* I have not seen him in ages. Even though he's Kami's friend it'll be good to see him again.
Something to ponder:

Sometimes we can be so stupid.

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Recently Recorded...
06-17-2006 E Good Bye
06-07-2006 E A Real-Life American Princess
06-06-2006 E I Have VICTORY--With a Lil Help
06-03-2006 E The Ballot-Marking Device: Making History
06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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