Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Lists and Decisions
04-20-2002 E 8:16 p.m.

Ever want to put your fingers in your ears, close your eyes and just spout off jibberish just to release pent up energy or untangle your tongue? Right now it's so tempting. I feel like if I speak for a few minutes my words will get tangled up on the tip of my tongue. *funny face*

Shane went to I.F. today, running some errands for his dad, so I asked him if he wouldn't mind getting me that ink cartridge I so desperately needed. He was such a sweetie and got it for me. Next month on the list: color cartridge. Woohoo, then I'll really be in business.

Two reasons why you should never have your room at the back of the house by the deck

-- You get woken up by the tv in the next room

-- You get woken up by the vehicles, lawn mower/snow blower, somebody knocking icicles down and by Dad's chainsaw outside

That's right. I was woken up by Dad operating his chainsaw. Monday's storm did a number on the limbs of our trees. A tree did damage to our house by pulling the siding away from a back wall where our power cable is. So now Dad has to talk with his insurance agent. He began cutting of twigs and branches that now hung dangerously low.

But you should have seen our front curb. It looked--well, still kinda does--like a minature forest of spindly branches had overtaken a portion of our front lawn. It was no bramble or thorn patch, like Milicent conjured in Disney's Sleeping Beauty, but it reminded me of it.

Next on list:

-- Get to a bookstore and buy the rest of The Princess Diaries series.

I wanna find out if Mia and Michael start dating. In the books it's Mia who has a crush on Michael--she's had one on him forever. I think he likes her too, but I'm not sure. Lilly, her best friend, is stuck on herself and is more obnoxious than in the movie. Her Grandmer� is a tyrant. Her mother is a space case. Her father is a ladies man/playboy. And Mia? Well, she's a typical teenage girl who wants to "blossom" as other girls her age have over the summer, who dreams of the object of her affection returning her feelings and wanting not to be different. Trouble is, she is different. She's the heir to the throne of a European country whose mother is having her Algebra teacher's baby. The book I have is good; it's funny and it's gone by faster than I would have believed, but I think they did better with the story idea in the movie. Then again, they do say you like the story in whichever medium you are first exposed to.

I almost forgot. Heather and I talked recently after our lunch date Thursday. She would like me to take Spanish 201 with her if I go next semester. *sigh* I don't know. It was hard last semester to remember everything I knew and to remember the new stuff. Sure, the stuff towards the end was easy, and I got a B. But do I want to try and go further with it before I really have the rules and tricks down pat? I don't know. After being in a class where most of the people had it down pat, I want to feel confident before I go on. Because don't they move on to composition on the second level? I tried talking to Mom about it, but she was concentrating on the lesson she has to give in Relief Society tomorrow. It's on Joseph Smith. Anyways, I have a decision to make.
Don't live it up so high you can't live it down.

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moon phase


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