Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Wishing and Lord Pan, the Rustic Nature God
10-19-2002 E 9:15 p.m.
Whelp, I found Oscar Wilde's The Canterville Ghost in paperback for a very good price. Surprisingly, it was not at my favorite online used bookstore, but at amazon.com. Thing is they have two in stock, but more will be ordered in soon. Bum deal though that I don't have any money to order it tonight. So, it's relegated to my wishlist (<=look at the links) until I'm solvent again or some kind soul buys it for me.

Mom joked today about me putting on a crying act and asking Nan for a $100. I might be tempted except for two things. 1) She and Paw Paw don't have the type of money they used to, and 2) she's having hip replacement surgery in November. They need their money for that. I would ask my birth father, but he's a bit intimidating and since I rarely see him we don't really have the type of relationship where I can comfortably hit him up for what I need.

So it's back to paying what I can instead of a full rent next month. =os Oh joy, joy, joy.

My Pan article is almost finished. I just have to tell how his worship became so widespread beyond the Greeks. Did you know he had almost identical counterparts in Russia and Egypt? Oh! And in Israel on Pan Hill they (scientists) found a shrine to Pan. It's interesting that he was never a major god to the Greeks, yet he was one god that became almost universal as the other deities such Zues and Apollo faded in importance. Their duties slowly coalesced(sp?) into one "All" over time and Pan seemed to be the who absorbed or inherited these added duties. He became the "All," the one Being people started accepting as their myriad questions of the world around them turned inward. "Who are we?" and "Why are we here?" However, as Christianity gained power and dominance Pan's worship was demonized to discourage people. In the end, the last to worship him were old women or spinsters or old men who were labeled as witches because they still believed in the carefree rustic nature god. That is why today unfortunately, satanic cults and devils are associated with horns and hooves.

Though Christ was gentle yet firm in establishing His church, I'm sure He would never have acted as the Catholic church did in eradicating the pagan deities.

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