Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Still Can't Get It Right
10-20-2002 E 9:34 p.m.
Total d�j� vu today. I finished the Pan article and sent it off. However, I found out when sending it the original deadline had been moved up to the 11th. Oops. Well, Loreanna got it, but she got it on the first deadline. Why can't I for once be on top of this reporting thang? It's like when I was on The Bengal. After I settled down on the job and tried to get the story and be a good reporter, I still couldn't do a thang right. Oh it wasn't the reporting that was the problem. It was trying to get the story, reporting it and doing it the way my bosses wanted in the particular way they wanted it. *sigh* No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't please them and I was hauled into the editor-in-chief's office about every two dang weeks.

I'm probably overreacting here on this article, I realize that. But I feel I've failed again in getting an assignment in and pleasing an editor. She emailed me about the new deadline, but it was like this: I need that Pan article for the Samhain special edition, like yesterday!

Oh great. Thanks for the heads up--a day late. Ok, I take the blame for its lateness, and when I saw her email address in my inbox the 15th I figured she was just reminding me of the up coming due date--today. But this past week has been a whirlwind. Everytime I started the article something more important came up it seemed. I was so proud of myself for finishing "on time," but of course I haven't. Once again I've let down an editor. I just apologized for the delay, but told her I had been told my deadline was the 20th. So it's in her ball park now. I just wish I'd been on the ball.

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06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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