Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
A Loose Tie
07-28-2002 E 10:25 p.m.
Welp, they didn't show up last night. Just today. We spent maybe 15 minutes taking pics and saying g'byes before they left for a mission farewell. Very impersonal. But then, since around middle school, jr. high, Mike has shut his feelings inside, seldom revealing them. I didn't know what to expect--well, I take that back. I thought if they didn't come last night (which they obviously didn't), they'd come today and at least have a meal with us. Ah well. At least I didn't break down and cry, like I sometimes do when saying g'bye to someone I won't see for quite some time.

Other zan that nada happened. Things were pretty darn quiet. Although Jessy called. Aubree brought up the subject she wasn't a bridesmaid again.

"You're a semi-bridesmaid," Jessy amended to appease her.

Aubree saw right through the ploy. She may be a kid, but she ain't dumb. She sometimes is too intelligent for her own good. Anyways Jessy then reiterated we need to color coordinate because Aubey and I would get bouquets and hats like the official bridesmaids. Uh huh. The hats better not be silly looking and hopefully are neutral in color. Because I don't really have anything in Jessy's chosen colors. I'm going in whatever dress I choose and hang the bouquet and hat. Yeah, I know, bad attitude but hey...like someone once said, although I can't remember the exact saying now, more people will remain loyal to you if you treat them right.

It's kinda funny that this cropped up just now, because there is a Bible verse in 1st Kings about being high-handed with people. Solomon's son was power hungry who lorded it over his people. (This is an extreme example, I know, but go with me here please? LOL It's also an example of how my mind jumps.) He said something about how his father "whipped" them. If they thought that was bad, wait till they saw his displine. He was going to use "scorpions." His advisors had suggested he ease the yolk Solomon had put upon the people. The young king, of course, disregarded the wisdom and went about stubbornly doing things his way. He musta thought if he showed an iron hand the Israelites would submit totally to his will.

But to tie this all in, Jessy, on a smaller scale has disregarded what our parents have suggested and gone about doing thangs her way irregardless of feelings and sound advice. True, it is her wedding and it should be as she wants, but within reason. She isn't taking in the whole picture or really listening. She's acting like a diva who's let her own importantance go to her lovely red haired head. Night.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~You attract more flies with honey than with vinegar.

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moon phase


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