Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
If I Could Live In Any Era...
12-03-2002 E 4:45 p.m.
(Update: 12-18-2003 @ 7:42 p.m.
I am now a member of P-O-Y, which poses topics such as mine here every week. This--If you could go back in time and live in/or experience any era of your choice, what era would that be?--was found in the site's recent archives and I figured my thoughts in this entry pararelled their question enough to submit this, so I am. Below is the original entry as was typed on the day given.)

Does anybody have a preferred century in which they wish they could have lived? Or an era in any particular century? Cause today was one of those days where technology isn't all it's cracked up to be. It's supposed to be high tech--some of it anyway--and it's supposed to make your life easier. Ha! It can make your life heck! And it sure can make you lazy if you let it.

The stupid ISP we have was being finicky, either that or Dad's puter was. I rebooted that thang four times I think and almost every time I tried connecting (Dad's computer is proxy to mine on the network) I got error messages or "Unable to connect." Finally I ran ScanDisk on his computer and tried again. Miracle of miracles, it worked. But on top of that MSN kept kicking me off every five flipping minutes or so. I wanted to send a scathing letter to the chumps who designed the version of messenger that is on my computer. With each new "improved" version that has come out, its performance and reliability has decreased considerably. The only neat thing about it now are the new emoticons. Yes, MSN loves to try my patience. Most days it succeeds.

Every era has its problems and its good points. I think if I could live at any time, not being born with a physical disability, I would wish to be born in the late 1890s. That way I would be a young woman in the 1920s, the era I think was fun. Things were beginning to change. Inventions were popping up everywhere, women's styles were changing, the Charleston was popular, music was fun and parents and kids alike liked it together. America's rich still lived in their castles, holding coming out parties for their daughters and balls to impress everyone who was of high society. 'Course the downside of the early 1900s was WWI. I realize I'm romanticizing the Roaring Twenties, but it does sound fun. Heck, as long as there is running water and electrity or oil lamps, good music and chocolate I'll be happy.
Calm seas don't make good sailors.

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moon phase


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