Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Did You Know...
12-04-2002 E 3:47 p.m.
All right, I decided it was time for my lil trivia game.

* Did you know...

1) The average woman carries eight lipsticks in her purse.

2) Marie and Pierre Curie worked as a great scientific team and won a Nobel Prize, but Madame Curie was harder to convince to marry. It took poor Pierre a dozen times. Now that is perseverence!

3) The Egyptian characters from the popular Mummy series and its spin-off, The Scorpion King, are based off real figures in history. Imhotep was actually a revered priest; he was called the Father of Medicine and is considered the first architect of the pyramids. Seti II of course, was a pharoah; Nefertiri (or Nefertiti) was King Tut's stepmom, and Ankhesenamen was his (Tut's) loving wife. The Scorpion King is said to be the first pharoah of Egypt.

4) Jezebel in Hebrew means "follower of idols." Queen Jezebel was the person who got the Hebrews to worship idols. Perhaps that's where the meaning originated.

5) We can only breathe through one nostril at a time.

6) A few of John Jacob Astor's descendants moved to England after a fall out with another branch of zee family. They bought Anne Bolelyn's ancestral home, Hampstead(?) Castle.

7) In the 1870s Missouri became known as the "Outlaw State."

8) A radio personality in 1938 aired "War of the Worlds" on Halloween. It sounded so real that people panicked and many even committed suicide.

9) The actor Johnny Depp is adverse to the sight of blood. When making the movie Sleepy Hollow, Tim Burton called, "Cut!" over and over during the scene where Depp, as Icabod Crane, examined a body of one of the victims of the Headless Horseman. Burton wanted to see how many times he could squirt Depp with "blood." The poor actor had a hard time remaining in character.

10) The second full moon of the month is called a Blue Moon. It is said if you walk under this moon you and your lover will have true love.

11) Native Americans gave each full moon a name. (Some vary according to different nations or tribes.)
� � � January- Old Moon or Wolf Moon
� � � February- Snow Moon, Hunger Moon or Opening Buds Moon
� � � March- Sap Moon, Worm Moon, Crow Moon, Crust Moon or Maple Sugar Moon
� � � April- Planter's Moon, Grass Moon, Pink Moon, Moon of the Red Grass Appearing � � � or Frog Moon
� � � May- Milk Moon, Flower Moon or Budding Moon
� � � June- Rose Moon or Strawberry Moon
� � � July- Thunder Moon, Blood Moon or Buck Moon
� � � August- Green Corn Moon, Corn Moon, Sturgeon Moon
� � � September- Fruit Moon or Harvest Moon
� � � October- Moon of Falling Leaves or Hunter's Moon
� � � November- Frost Moon or Beaver Moon
� � � December- Long Night Moon or Cold Moon

12) In California alone before Europeans swept across the Americas, there were about 300 or more indigenous peoples, cultures and languages. After white men came our diseases and weaponry decimated the Indians; whole nations and languages became extinct. There are perhaps 30- tribes and languages left.

13) Dionne Warwick and Whitney Houston are cousins.

14) The dorsal fin of Orca whales are bowed over to the side in captivity. Even if they are freed, the Orcas keep that fin bowed over the rest of their lives.

15) The hippies movemement inspired the Hell's Angels bikers, who were once hired muscle for the Mob until they decided to go into "business" for themselves.

16) New York had the highest number per capita of slaves than Charleston, SC. And slavery became illegal in 1827.

* Facts gathered from diferent sources such as Tidbits newsletter, the History Channel, anthropology classes, movies and brief infomercials or documentaries.
I wash everything on the gentle cycle. It's more humane.

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moon phase


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