Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Keeping Faith
12-07-2003 E 5:03 p.m.
I have a better example of a Christmas post than the tale of The Snow Queen. This anthology I'm reading, Christmas Spirits, has had wonderful stories thus far--I'm on the third out of four--but it was the second story that to me, while hurried and trite in places, relayed the magic of Christmas. By the end I was just bawlin'--loudly I might add--because it showed healing, it showed miracles only God and an 8-year-old orphaned street kid, aided by an 8-year-old-ghost-turned angel, could perform. And of course, it showed love. Even though the first story was funny, hilarious in parts, and was written by a new favorite author of mine, Keeping Faith, the second story by Casey Claybourne is my favorite thus far.

A couple had lost their only child, Laura, a bright, precocious minx to a weak heart earlier that year. The pain and loss slowly had driven a chasm between them only because the father shut himself off from the world and his wife. Alice, lost in her own grief, prayed constantly for a miracle and for another child. She found Faith, curled up in a crate in the alley nearby. Half-starved and frozen, Alice took her in and, with the help of the servants (this took place in Regency England), got Faith warm, clean and dry. She was put in Laura's room where she had free reign over the toys and whatnot. There she was befriended by Laura's ghost, and together they plotted to bring Laura's parents back together, plus hoping in the meantime the Stratfords would want to "keep Faith." It took some doin', but Faith finally broke past Lord Stratford's pain-erected walls and stormed his wounded heart. She showed him how to love again and proved to Alice that God had not forgotten her and that miracles do happen.
Confidence, like art, never comes from having all the answers; it comes from being open to all the questions.
~Earl Gray Stevens~

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