Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Christmas Is...
12-11-2003 E 6:40 p.m.
I'm contemplating a new layout--should I or shouldn't I? That is the question of the past two days. Trouble is I'm having trouble coming up with a composition I like. Ah well. It will soon be out of me hands anyway, as the trial of Dreamweaver will be over soon.
I've been bad. I've neglected to give a Christmas themed post the last couple of days. I feel bad about that mainly because I made this an unspoken, personal countdown to Christmas in order to help me, and hopefully anyone who happens upon them feel the true spirit of the season. I'm getting there, but am still not there.

Once again I was poking around the Internet and found this in the archives of P-O-Y: Christmas is 10 days away and everyone is running around frantically trying to buy the 'perfect' gifts for all their friends and family. Tell us...Do you think Christmas has become too 'commercialized'? Why or why not? What does Christmas really mean to you?

It's almost too easy to get caught up in the commercial side of the holidays, I think. Because the stores and tv and radio promote it so much. That's why I'm striving to find the true spirit. I don't want to be lost in the commercialism.

What really concerns me, however, is Aubree's attitude. It's aaalll about the presents. Yesterday was Mum and Dad's 21st wedding anniversary and Mom bought Dad several collector's coins. She showed Aubree and meself. While I was thrilled with the aspect--Dad loves old silver coins--Aubree on the other hand was disapproving. The parents had already said this was going to be a small Christmas, Mom buying these coins only added to less money for gifts. Translation, gifts for her. I was appalled. Still am.

Christmas is not gifts, it's not even that jolly old elf, Santa or his eight tiny reindeer, plus one...Rudolph. It's not the lights or even who has the best yard or roof display. It's not the candy, the fruitcake or the eggnog or even the hot buttered rum or the wassail.

No, Christmas is the birth of the Savior who established His church on this earth for us and who died for us and atoned for our sins. It is the magic of something special, like holly and mistletoe hung in doorways for the unwary visitor, and the magic of miracles. It is the company we keep as we gather as friends and family. It is peace on Earth and goodwill to men. It is love. It is rejoicing in song and remembering past Christmases with fondness. It is helping others who may be down on their luck. The gifts, Santa, the candy, the lights and displays are only the trimmings that should add to what we already feel. They shouldn't be what makes Christmas feel like Christmas.

I know I'm lecturing, and I wish I had the gift of knowing how to speak things subtly. Instead I just blunder through. Please forgive me.
There is no ideal Christmas; only the one Christmas you decide to make as a reflection of your values, desires, affections, traditions.
~Bill McKibben, Hundred Dollar Holiday: The Case For a More Joyful Christmas~

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moon phase


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