Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Hopes and Dreams
12-04-2003 E 5:00 p.m.
Well, both my pocket and Mom's credit card are a bit lighter. I did a bit of online shopping for her, Jon and myself. Christmas is going to be small and tight this year--which shouldn't be an issue because if we have the true spirit...right? But you know how mamas can be. They worry about giving their kids the best Christmas they've ever had every year. Anyways, so it was no problem to help Mom, though I couldn't resist buying something fer myself either. Well, for my Koala that I ordered from Build-a-Bear.com back in July. I got her a female Santa dress--the red velvety kind with fake white fur around the collar, hem and sleeves. A holly sprig earband comes with it, and then I got her glittery red "Bearyjane" shoes.

It was either that or two other things. That Celtic Circle CD compilation or the Princess of Greece collector's Barbie doll. (I still want those two, but I'm hopin' I can get those with money my birth father is sending me.) (I was highly into Barbie dolls as a kid--and still would be if I had the money to buy the collectibles.)

And speaking of collectibles...this is my Christmas contribution for today. I know it's stretching it, but I have nothing else right now.

Pretty huh? She reminds me of the Snow Queen. *lightbulb goes on over head* Perhaps I'll do that story tomorrow. She's the Winter Fantasy Barbie.

Heather surprised me today. She asked me what my plans were in the immediate future, and not even thinking anything of it at first, I answered honestly after I clarified what she was asking. "I dunno, Mom and Dad would like me to get out and about job-wise, but I don't really want to work. Yet I don't have a boyfriend to go gaga over and plan a future with so..."

"All I do know is I want to work on my book," I added. Really ambitious of me, huh?

She surprised me by saying that she realized while we are best friends, she knows little or nothing about my hopes and dreams, and because she is now at her own uncertain crossroads she was curious about my own uncertain course. I sat here stunned, as her earlier questions were recalled. I cannot remember my friends, any of them, asking the question of what I hope or dream for the future in the long run. Oh, they've asked what my plans are after graduation, and I've given the typical answer "A job," but they've never really asked for long-term.

I've been asked what I'd like to do careerwise, but never what I'd really want or hope for that they've asked my plans to get to that future I want. And they've never tried to find out my secret hopes and dreams. It made me realize that I've buried whatever hopes and dreams I had as a kid, except the hope of a loving marriage, beneath the process of growing up and fulfilling my mother's expectation of going to college. And now that I'm grown and wiser it's time to reform my dreams and hopes into viable ones.

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Recently Recorded...
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06-07-2006 E A Real-Life American Princess
06-06-2006 E I Have VICTORY--With a Lil Help
06-03-2006 E The Ballot-Marking Device: Making History
06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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