Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
The Friday Six, Friday's Entry
03-28-2003 E 5:15 p.m.
I think from now on, unless the week's questions are disappointing, or if I cannot find a set that inspires me to think, I'll participate in the Friday Five question sets. It's kinda fun and sometimes the questions make me think. I didn't much like the questions this week, so I looked for another set. The set I found is from Valentine's Day.

The Friday Five
1) Why did you start an online journal or blog?

Well, someone I know/knew (we don't speak anymore) keeps or kept his journal on the computer or on a disk. He also told me he had a sand/beach background for it. I was tired of writing in a paper journal--it was falling apart besides--and my hand would start hurting a while before I was ready to quit relating my thoughts. Plus, I wanted to spiff up my journal--the creative side in me was wanting out. So, out of curiosity I got on Google and tried to look up the type of diary or journal he had. I don't think I ever found it; I think his was on some program. But what I did find by a nice stroke of serendipity was Diaryland. And thus, almost two and a half years ago I began my first foray here: Thoughts of a Writer.... The rest, as they say, is history.

2) Do people you interact with day to day or family members know about your journal/blog? Why or why not?

Um, Heather does. Although we don't see each other every day, we do chat three or four days a week. And as she says, reading each other's journals helps us know what is going on in each other's lives when we can't chat. Lynda also knows about it, but it doesn't seem like she's a regular reader. And my family also knows I keep my journal on the computer, but they don't read it.

3) Do you have a theme for your journal/blog?

Kind of. My last journal as mentioned before (look above) focused on my being a writer sharing thoughts. This journal is more about my personality tendency of being a dreamer. Though it's had different titles: A Dreamer Tells..., Atlantis: Myth or Reality?, A Dreamer Believes... and now... I'm a Dreamer Who Still Believes, the dreamer aspect is still there...evident in zee titles.

4) What direction would you like to have your journal/blog go in over the next year?

I don't know really. If you mean design-wise, I want to find the "ultimate" template that uses elegance, sophistication and ingenuity to express me as a person, as a dreamer and one that I won't tire of as easily as the others. I'm already thinking of ideas for a new layout. 'Course, as I'm a perfectionist, I may always be looking for it. If you mean content-wise, I hope it shows growth of me as a person.

5) Care to advertise your favorite journals or blogs?

Um, I have many and they're listed on this site to the left under "Other Lands." It's just easier to go look at them. They each have their merits for different reasons and I just encourage you to discover them for yourselves.

I just thought of a better question than number 5 and so will add it as number--

6) How has journaling online touched your life?

Well, I've met several cool people online that I would never have otherwise known had I not looked into D*land. My adoptive sis, Warda, for example, and Monica. Then there's Yen; I've followed her from one incarnation to another. It's a way we can share ourselves with others faraway.

Whelp, that's it for today. Don't pass up this entry, it explains my disappearance of yesterday.

Questions from The Friday Five

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