Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Alchera Project: Things To Do In My Lifetime
07-12-2005 E 4:19 p.m.
Feeling-- aggravated
Reading-- Endgame by Dee Davis
Listening to-- nothing

*takes a deep relaxing breath* Writing is a labor of love, a passion. It has to be, because those of us who choose to do it as a hobby or for a living must be able to have the imagination and the patience to allow a piece to evolve as it would, and when it doesn't work out, to have the wisdom and perseverance to come at it from a different angle.

For the last three or four days my lack of updating has been directly due to this. I've tried taking a pic and using it as inspiration for a creative piece, but today I realized it didn't have the zing! I'm wanting for this particular piece like An Unseen Visitor does. I'm gonna have to take it from another angle. Hopefully this next one will work out because the idear has creative merit. And social and thought-provoking meaning as well. So I'm hoping I can get it down here, because the idear is really good.

The Alchera Project kinda is running along the same lines as me this month, it seems. A few days before the current project was posted, I was thinking of doing something along the lines of Option 4:Up until recently I never thought of doing something like this. I guess I always thought small, playing each day by ear, never really thinking to dream big even though I did dream. My parents would call these dreams pipe dreams, so why even bother with making them? I felt it was useless.

But I've discovered people must have dreams, we must have hopes, or else we would die. (Love goes without saying.) Even if these are pipe dreams that don't have any possibility of becoming reality, there's nothing wrong in dreaming them. They make life more bearable in hard situations; they're an escape for brief moments in time. Without them, without hope, without love the human race would sink into drudgery; we would be stuck in a rut, shifting into automatic mode, just going through the motions of everday living. Our emotions would soon wither away to the most insubstantial stuff to blow away in the next stiff breeze. Our systems would begin shutting down after a time of living such a robotic existence.

So here I am, seeking dreams that if I had the means and wherewithal to make happen, I'd follow them and see where they'd lead me.

Things To Do In My Lifetime
1) Spend a month or two in Ireland and Scotland each.

2) See Italy/Tuscany and soak up the ambience. (*note to self* Take camera and loads of film for each location.)

3) Write a bestseller that will ensure future novels.

4) Take a cruise around the Caribbean that lasts longer than a mere week. (*note to self* Though it is highly doubtful I'll get seasick, take a supply of seasickness pills or patches.)

5) Meet Johnny Depp. (Hey, we're supposed to be dreaming big, right?)

6) Have a song written for me. (Hey, it could happen. Yes, I have a name song, but to have a song written for me, now that would be something!) =0}

7) Explore a real castle and live in the one my brother claims he'll build for all of us siblings. (I get the North tower!)

8) Walk through a rainbow and discover the magic and wonder of the world I painted here.

9) Be married in the St. George Temple in Utah.

10) Learn sign language.

11) Learn Gaelic.

12) Have the adventure of a lifetime--I'll have to get back to you on this one with the details. Perhaps an adventure like in one of James Bond's movies--only I'll be the only one my leading man will love, and he won't be a womanizer going from woman to woman with each mission.

13) To meet penpals and online friends I would never have met otherwise without the Internet.

14) To experience and be part of an important archaeological dig site that would add to our knowledge of the past, perhaps even finding Atlantis. (Now, THAT would be an adventure of a lifetime!)

15) Perhaps write a song that would end up as the theme song for a box office hit.

16) See Mt. Rushmore.

17) Attend a real costume ball.

18) See the Statue of Liberty in person and tour the Big Apple.
�����18a) See either Beauty and the Beast, Les Miserables
     or The Phantom of the Opera on Broadway.

19) Visit Washington D.C., see the monuments, the Declaration of Independence...do they display the Constitution as well?

20) Have fresh, real Key Lime Pie.

21) Perhaps meet Julia Roberts or Sandra Bullock (they seem cool) and have a "girlfriend moment..." (ie. shopping, gabfest, etc.)

22) Take a glassbottom boat tour.

23) Visit Aztec or Mayan ruins. I think seeing/exploring a Mayan temple would be cool.

24) To be a wife and mother.

25) Be in two time zones at once.

I ran out of things to add. I'm a very simple person when it comes to dreaming things to do in my lifetime, and as I said: up until recently I never gave anything like this much thought. I would have said, if you'd asked me in the past as recently as three weeks ago, the only things I want to accomplish in this lifetime are numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 and 24. Perhaps with more serious thought and time this list will change and grow...

But that's for another entry.

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06-07-2006 E A Real-Life American Princess
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06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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