Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Take Good Care
07-06-2005 E 10:34 p.m.
Feeling-- musical
Reading-- Full Pursuit by Jasmine Cresswell
Listening to-- nothing

I'm following Emma's lead and posting a song plus mp3 file tonight as my second entry.

Take Good Care
When the sun was down
I opened my eyes
And I looked around
All the stars were bound
To fall from the sky
I would make no sound
Take good care
Take good care
I can hold you
And console you
I can show you another rainbow
Take good care--I can make you one
I can hold you
Like I told you
I can fold you another rainbow
Take good care--I can make you one
Take good care--I can make you one
Where's that distant light?
There used to be one
Once we used to lie
Under the sun
All the things that I
Would treasure have gone
Now I'm satisfied
Take good care
Take good care
Take good care
I can hold you
And console you
I can show you another rainbow
Take good care--I can make you one
I can hold you
Like I told you
I can fold you another rainbow
Take good care--I can make you one
Take good care--I can make you one
I can hold you
And console you
I can show you another rainbow
Take good care--I can make you one
I can hold you
Like I told you
I can fold you another rainbow
Take good care--I can make you one
Take good care--I can make you one
Take good care--I can make you one

Liv Kristine

I've decided I've got a thing for rainbows. They're beautiful, fleeting and magical. And somehow, love seems to fit them. I dunno how or why, but it does. Perhaps it's because rainbows are magical? Perhaps it's because they are so fleeting, they are precious? Perhaps because, like the moon and stardust, we want to capture them for our loved ones' joy? Who knows?

My friend, Abe--well, I don't know if I can call him my friend as he has said he only likes me as a person, not as anything else--is the one who sent me this song. It's not his usual musical fare; *smiles softly* he's more into the metal--heavy, death and black. I think he thought I would be surprised by the fact he listens to it because it's out of the norm for him. But...I really wasn't. I really believe and accept he listens to her and this song.

*pauses, unsure of her thoughts and words* Abe is a sweet, good guy. *soft smile* Don't tell him that though, because it'll embarrass him and he may distance himself from you--from me. He may be my total opposite--dark, pessimistic, a lone wolf who listens to harsh, dark music, but I see good in him. He is a good guy, trying to live his life the way he sees fit, the way that makes him happiest...and I guess that's all anyone of us can do. Live the way we see fit, the way we feel or know will bring more happiness to us in the long run. Abe isn't easy to know, but as I told him tonight, he's worth knowing. I hope he understands that and that I was/am sincere. I have "known" him and chatted with him online off and on for seven years now. He was there for me when I needed a friend, and he's always been an interesting person.

Yes I would like to call him 'friend,' but I don't know if I can...

..:: Remembered�����E�����Occuring ::..

Recently Recorded...
06-17-2006 E Good Bye
06-07-2006 E A Real-Life American Princess
06-06-2006 E I Have VICTORY--With a Lil Help
06-03-2006 E The Ballot-Marking Device: Making History
06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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