Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Boy, Do I Go On...and On
06-21-2002 E 10:02 p.m.
Today was hot. Hotter than I think it's been this summer. And it was really the second time I've gotten out of the house and done something just for the heck of it. (Remember the van's been broken down, so I've been limited in where I could go. We just got it back last night.) So when Mom invited me along for the ride to I.F. I gladly went.

I just forgot how hot the inside of the van is during the summer months. It's like an oven without the A/C. And the A/C is questionable. It's been about two months since we've used the van and even longer still since we had a need for the A/C. So I don't rightly remember if the A/C works. In any case Mom didn't use it. She just had windows open. Unfortunately, that didn't stir up much of a breeze on the way home. I felt like a ball of wax melting. Not a pleasant feeling. Especially after having taken a bath this afternoon.

However hot it was, it was good to get inside air conditioned buildings. "Aahh, doesn't this feel good?" she breathed as we entered Roberts craft store then the mall.

Ah yeah, it did, but I was too zapped by the heat to do anything but give silent gratitude to the cooler temperatures by the time we got to zee mall.

The trip was nice, but it just proved again I'm not the typical shop-till-you-drop female. As soon as we got to Roberts Mom headed for the scrapbooking section. Three to four times we went over it until we pretty much had it picked over--or at least until she did. We left home at 10 to four and it takes 20-30 minutes at the best of times to get there. We did not leave Roberts until after six! After the first two passes over the stickers, die-cuts and cutsie designer paper I was ready to leave. Not my mom though. Oh no. She kept seeing other pages and new ideas for pages for two of Kami's friends blossomed anew in her head. I only prodded her a couple times which is good for me, since I usually do it about six times total. And really good for her cause she needs more prodding usually.

Even at a book store, if none of the genres I'm into have books that capture my attention I'm ready to go after 15-20 minutes. Same with a music store. I'm just not a shopping girl. Which is probably good as my finances are practically nil each month.

Other than reaffirming this nonstereotypical trait I have, today has held a mixture of things. Minor disappointments mixed with one great relief. (The relief is personal, so suffice it to say it took away some of the stress I've felt since the dismissal.) The disappointments I'll have to live with.      
1) (This could be called a frustration.) My computer is acting up today. After I logged onto AOL it froze up so I couldn't minimize it or sign off or exit out of the welcome bit. I think my computer is just old, but I'm too poor to get an upgrade. Plus, now my space key is acting up, like it refuses to space unless I hit it two or three times.
      2) No contact with Evan.
      3) I came home to find a note taped to my monitor in Aubree's handwriting. Jason's not coming home this weekend.

Obviously his mother remembered my call. I was so looking forward to hanging out with him or at least to a phone call. Maybe some other time. Though I still don't know if his dad actually did die. I feel like an inept voyeur, trying to validate Kjerstina's assumption. In her last email she wanted me to keep trying and told me that a Jay H. of 71 years was in the obituaries. Ok then, that's probably a safe bet that he died unfortunately. She should know if it was him or not, she was Jason's girlfriend for awhile. *sigh* I'm so tired this isn't making sense as I type it.

I mean, who else better than Kjerstina (besides family) would know if he died or not? Certainly not me, I only met his parents once! I guess I kinda resent Kjerstina asking me to do the leg work and make condolences for the both of us. I can understand the awkwardness that might be between them, but don't put me in the middle. Gosh, on the phone Monday when I called his home, I stuttered and was all, "Um...uh...um." And besides that, how do you go about asking if the person's husband died if you're not sure because you weren't the one to read the obituary on the off-chance there were two Jay H.'s in Poky?

So until I do talk to Jason I have to pretend I know nothing. Which isn't too hard as I know nothing concrete about this.

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moon phase


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