Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
"Everything Weddings"
04-03-2003 E 5:05 p.m.
I should be doing homework, but I'm gonna persist in a bit of madness here for a bit longer. You can think me crazy, I don't care. You already know I'm a bit insane so it's ok.

*bites lip, trying to decide how to dive in* Women and a weakness for weddings seem to go hand in hand. Even if we're not getting married--yet--some of us have planned our dream weddings right--down--to--the last detail a long time ago. For some, it was when we were kids, or when our friends first started down Marriage Lane. For others, the planning began when that biological clock started tick tocking. *smiles*

Yes sir, right down to the last detail. From what the dress looks like, to our colors, to the flowers, to the chapel or temple it would be held in--depending on our religion or creed, to the reception's location and decorations, to our dream man--can't forget that one, to the cake and of course, if there would be any theme or not. I've probably mentioned this before, sorry, but it's going to be said again. My colors have changed at least four times--from coral pink and mint green to that same coral pink and a deep lavender to white and gold and now to white, gold and a pansy purple. Hmm, kinda a pattern there, huh?

I was one of those who started dreaming about and picking this or that for my wedding when my friends started their walks down married life. The first to get married was Amy to the boyfriend she'd had in high school for two years--I think he was an RM? (returned missionary), cause I know he didn't go to high school. She married him a year after our graduation. I'd never had a boyfriend and one wasn't in the near and dear future, and thus my first stirrings of intense jealousy and loneliness descended. My weddings plans had begun. To ease the loneliness and jealousy I picked my colors.

Over the next few years they changed and the plans slowly grew. I picked my cake top, I picked several styles of temple worthy dresses I liked. I always thought it would be fun to design my own dress, but I doubted--and still do--that I'll marry rich. But hey, a girl can dream, right?

Why all this wedding talk already? you ask. I thought June was the wedding month, you may be thinking to yourself. You're right, it is. But the last few nights a dress has been forming in my daydreams that I wanted to see put on paper. So today at bowling I took a blank book that I use for whatever creative whim I have and started drawing bit by bit. The dress emerged as a crude drawing--I'm no clothes design artist--but you do get a good idea of the design. However, the only part I did not add was the white-on-white rose pattern on the over-tunic--how do you add that to a pencil rendering and have people know it is just that?

Over-tunic, you ask? Um, yeah. I'm not conversant in the names of medieval articles of clothing, so that's the best I can do. And yes, it is medieval in design. Though, you knew that from the earlier sentence, which kinda gave it away. It's funny, cause none of the dresses I've picked out in previous magazines have been medieval. They've all been pretty modern. Although one had the sleeves I put on this dress. This dress just kinda...came about with a theme in mind. It has a rose theme; yes, it ties in with the fairy tale I seem obsessed with lately: Beauty and the Beast. I can't help it, I love Beauty and the Beast. But it's pretty, I think, and if the over-tunic can be made to be reversible, it is temple ready.

I told Heather about the dress, and unknowingly I started the conversation on an unexpected, but delightful turn.

Me: "I'm creating a medieval wedding dress...well drawing one. I created it in my dreams two days ago, and I really wanted to see it on paper to get a visual."
:-)Shanthi: "Awesome."
Me: "It's a crude drawing cuz I'm no artist, but you get zee idea."
:-)Shanthi: "I have my wedding dress all planned out in my head." She winked.
Me: (stupidly surprised) "You do?"
:-)Shanthi: "Yuppers. And no it's not lately cuz of Gazoo." *LAUGHS* (she continued) "Way back when, before *J* ever left on her mission, she and I went to this wedding fair thingie with a friend of hers who was getting married. There was a dress show thing...so I got thinking about what I wanted. So it's all planned out." *laughs*
Me: "Oh."
:-)Shanthi: "I'm weird." She went on to explain: "I keep daydreaming up all these ways for guys to propose."
Me: "I don't find that strange."
:-)Shanthi: "That's becuz you know me."

To make a long convo short, I had this idea. I suddenly wanted to see a better rendering of this dress and in the colors I envision it in. I asked Heather if she'd help me do a computer graphic rendering of zee dress this summer. She said yes, and perhaps she'd also do the dress she's designed for herself in her mind. Thus, she came up with the idea for our company. LOL. "[We could] design dresses, and rings, and even provide proposal idears!" She laughed and called it: "Everything Weddings."

Me: (perking up with a smile) "We could. I could do the PR. You, the computer graphics and flyers. [Both,] the ideas."
:-)Shanthi: "Hey hey, there we go! We could have a catalog of rings, or a contract to special design. And I'd write a program to design or view the catalog [online]. And once they choose one we'd direct 'em to the dealer. And like [our] dresses, we'd design [them], then send 'em to wherever to get [them] made. It'd be kewl. We could do announcements in [our] house, with the right equipment, eventually." *sees a big vision*

It's sounds so fun; a delight. I would love doing it with her. 'Course, one or the both of us would need to take business courses to be credible. Ah well. I dunno if it'll ever come to pass, but it's sure a nice, wonderful dream.
We are made from Mother Earth and we go back to Mother Earth.
~Shenandoah Proverb~

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moon phase


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