Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
May I Declare Tomorrow Hookie Hookie Day, My Hawaiian Holiday?
12-03-2001 E 7:38 p.m.
I sssoo want to skip school tomorrow. Mostly because I don't wanna get out in the muck and ice. I hate the cold. I think I'd rather be hot than cold. Cause then you could have ice cream any ole time or take a dip in a pool to cool off, knowing all the while you'd warm up again soon. Gees, that sounds so nice.... It's possible in Texas. I was explaining to someone recently that when we'd gone to Texas fer Christmas in '96 we were in t-shirts and it was just right outside even at 7 o' clock with a balmy breeze barely stirring the air. Aaaahhh, it was a novelty for me; it was heaven.

I'm also getting tired of the crazy math problems in the course I'm taking. I'd have been better off taking an algebra or geometry class! Or better yet, taken the now seemingly easier version of the same math course when at ISU! (The only reason I say easier is that professor was using another textbook with basic problems.) But no, I medically withdrew from the semester. I have no one but myself to bemoan over or blame for taking this rotten course. Two more weeks and then finals, which equates to four more days and then one day of finals. So, actually if I want to look on zee bright side, I have five *holds up a hand* more days that I must travel to I.F. before I can enjoy a three week holiday vacation. But oh, Hookie Hookie Day is so tempting! If I lived in my apartment still, tomorrow would definitely be my Hawaiian holiday.

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