Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Harry Potter
11-24-2001 E 6:44 p.m.
Aaakk! We've got snow! We got dumped on! I blame Aubree. *chuckles* She wished for the white stuff. I've already slid and managed four times ta get stuck in it. On the way to pick us up for the movie Mike and Jen themselves got stuck in her parents' driveway. Sheesh!

Snow may be fun for the most part and beautiful when it's freshly fallen, but it's a pain in the butt when it keeps piling on ya and makes traveling in any mode difficult. Just trying to get up a simple driveway by zee theaters was a chore--I got stuck twice! Then twice more after the movie! Besides that I nearly went off the ramp once we got home trying ta go up it. *shakes head* Stupid snow. *grumps a bit as I get of the soapbox*

Harry Potter. I can see why Little-Red has a crush on him. He was a cute kid. And the movie was sweet (as in cool). It is my first introduction into the world of Harry Potter. (I've never read any of the books.) It amused me in several ways:
1) I could recognize most of the actors in it from other wellknown movies.
2) The humor and story itself was entertaining.
3) Just how the author dreamed up this whole world--muggles (non magic people), quittage (the wizard's ballgame). I was looking at it from another "author's" or editor's view, I guess. It was fun enjoying another's fantasy while critiquing it. It was a fun movie and worth seeing. Possibly even buying when it comes out. A jingle even came to my mind last night as we were coming home. By no means is it making fun of Harry Potter, but it could go along with some of the silly woirds from Hogwart's.

I thought it was cute and went with the theme of Harry Potter. if you haven't seen it you should.

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