Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
The Lady Greensleeves
11-02-2002 E 8:02 p.m.
Goll, I can't believe the holiday season is upon us again. It just seems like yesterday was fall and a few weeks before that, summer. But in a few weeks it'll be Turkey Day then Christmas will speedily make its approach. Are you ready for that?

I want so much to see The Santa Clause 2! I really enjoyed Tim Allen as Santa; he makes a good one. I liked the magic of the tale and the message. Now, a bit of romance is thrown in, and we all know I can't resist that!

Anyone familiar with the tune Greensleeves? My Dad loves it, and I think What Child Is This? is played to the same music. I've never heard the words before, only the melody. It's beautiful, and I've always had, since I was introduced to it, a bit of a curiosity about it. Who was Lady Greensleeves? What is the story behind it? Did it refer to her dress, or her name? What are the words?

Even though I was curious I never took the time to satisfy that curiosity and was soon diverted to other thangs. But, by chance today I put on--and am now listening to--a CD of Celtic style instrumental Christmas music. (I know, I was the one who ranted about people celebrating holidays out of turn, but these melodies aren't the typical Christmas variety. Some date to when people still worshipped their old gods, and to when Christians tried adapting their newer holidays to that of pagans' so they could get people to worship and celebrate those holidays as the Christians saw fit.) By happenstance Greensleeves is on zee album. So I decided to look up the lyrics at least. I wanted to know at the very least what tale it told.

I didn't take the time to find out the history of it because I was lazy and didn't want to go on a long search as some looking for even, what you'd think be a simple enough thang, can turn in to. But I did find out it was published in 1584 in a book called Many Pleasant Things by Clement Robinson. As most Early English tunes are, Greensleeves is a ballad. What it has to do with Christmas I don't know. Maybe that's in the history behind the song, who knows. *shrugs* As for the song itself it's about a spurned lover, asking his heart's desire to come back to him:


Alas! my love you do me wrong
to cast me off discourteously
when I have loved you so long,
delighting in your company!

Greensleeves is my delight,
Greensleeves is all my joy
Greensleeves, my heart of gold
and who but my Lady Greensleeves?

I have been ready at your hand
to grant whatever you would crave!
I have both wagered life and land
your love and good will for to have!

Greensleeves is my delight,
Greensleeves is all my joy
Greensleeves, my heart of gold
and who but my Lady Greensleeves?

Well, I will pray to God on high
that thou my constant sea may see
and that yet once before I die
thou will doth say to love me!

Greensleeves is my delight,
Greensleeves is all my joy
Greensleeves, my heart of gold
and who but my Lady Greensleeves?

Who but my Lady Greensleeves?

I would never equate this with the holidays, but ok. And for a beautiful melody the words are kinda sad. You really feel for the suitor and hope--at least I hope--she reconsiders. For Pete's sake, the man adored her.

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moon phase


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