Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Anorexia Is Nothing To Be Proud Of
11-03-2002 E 9:14 p.m.
The weekend is over; yeehaw. Mom and Dad are back from the tournament in Twin Falls. I don't know how Kami's team did, they haven't said. But I hope they played well enough to be proud of their efforts.

I didn't do much today, just surfed around D-land after church. I added a few more rings and found more LDS members of D-land. I was reminded of a motto I keep quoting: "To each his own."

I firmly believe that and applaud the uniqueness we all have even though I may not always agree with others' tastes. I mean you have your opinions and I have mine, right? Sure. I respect this, but sometimes I have to express my opinion. Once done, unless something continues to bother me, I step off my box and try to let the subject rest. (*hint: notice the word try.)

In my explorations I came across the profile of an anorexic 17-year-old girl. She was anorexic once before in 9th grade then I guess was treated. She is once again anerexic and sadly, is proud of it. When describing the period where she wasn't anorexic her tone was one of "what was I thinking?" Now she acts as if she has her head on straight by going back to that unhealthy state. I was incredulous. How can somebody be proud of the fact they're doing their body harm? Their head ain't definitely on straight.

I decided to leave a "hello from Rexburg" in her guestbook as she has a brother and sister going to the university here. So I entered her diary to get to the book. I think she is 5'6 or 5'7 and at the time of the entry she weighed 104 lbs. By May 12th of this year she wanted to be 85 lbs. Very sad.

She's destroying her body slowly and she's proud of the illness. Sure, it's her body and her choice. I realize these people don't have their heads screwed on properly if they see themselves as fat when in truth many of them are walking bone bags to coin a phrase from Casper. I don't mean to offend any anorexics, but you don't or can't see the reality for the sickness. Anorexia Nervosa is really harmful. You are literally starving yourself as you must know. But do you know that if you go into advanced Anorexia your body eats itself? It doesn't eat the fat like you want it to, it attacks zee muscles first. And guess what? Your heart is a muscle. It weakens and because your malnourished your body can't fight off attacks on your immune system. If you don't stop or seek professional help, Anorexia will kill you. What's so great bout that? You'll be thin all right, thinner than you've ever dreamed. But you won't be around to enjoy it, you'll be in a satin lined box six feet under.
The darkest hour has only 60 minutes.

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moon phase


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