Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
The Imperfections of Gods and Mankind
02-22-2003 E 7:25 p.m.
I should be typing my paper. I should be typing my paper. I should be typing my paper; but obviously I'm not. I don't know why, but this paper and the last seem (and seemed) to be harder to get into. And to find a suitable topic. The first two, though I was reticient about their reception if you remember, had topics that gripped me. After reading the poems to Inanna and "Gilgamesh" I was struck deeply with certain observations. But with the Ramayana and the Odyssey, though I find meaning in them and have noticed certain things, I have sat, blankly wondering what I could possibly write about them that would show a mind at work.

Like I said, I have/had ideas, but a few have been rejected because I have feared they'd be too simple for her. I'm interested in them, but I'm always doubtful she'll find them as ponderous as I do. Heh, (hey, John, I stole--uh, borrowed--your word) I always think the topic coulda been a better one or perhaps be written better, but for the last two papers now she's given me check plusses, so I must be doing ok. *knocks on wood*

Of course, they coulda been written better as some of her comments have pointed out another thing or two that I could have mentioned. But as I'm constantly remembering (and am grateful for) the papers're only 1-2 pages. So I can't say all I wanna say.

With the Odyssey I have a slight idear, but I'm not sure if it'll stand up to her scrutinization. I've noticed in this second reading of Homer's epic the gods tend to take more of an active role in the lives of mortals and that they have flawed personalities just as we do. For example, Aphrodite (the goddess of love and beauty) is vain, jealous and *searching for the right word* fickle I guess you could say. In the Ramayana, the gods don't interfere a lot except to plead with Vishnu, another god who incarnates himself as Rama, to stop the wrongs of Ravana, the evil one who ascended to Earth. The second and third time they intervene is when they vouch for the virtue and faithfulness of Rama's wife, Sita. Throughout the entire Odyssey, however, Athena, Poseidon, Zues, Circe, Calypso and the Sirens all have a hand in Odysseus' journey...whether it is in helping him or thwarting him on the way home to Ithaca.

I guess if I stick to these basic points, I'll be all right? Yes? No? Anybody?

I have another topic I would like to bring up. Remember my dim view on "reality shows?" Ok, if you need a refreshing of it, go read it now. Along with these "reality shows" have you noticed another trend within this trend? It seems people have to go on tv to find mates now when they can't discover love on their own. The latest foray into this trend is Married By America, where the viewers vote which guy and which girl should pair up. These people are strangers to one another and yet, because the audience at home voted that they get together, they'll marry each other!

That is sad, people. To either be that desperate for a spouse or so jaded about love or to be that limelight crazy just so you can win a trip or money, is s-a-d. It's almost worse than when parents arranged marriages. I can understand in the past why it was done. Parents wanted to make advantageous matches for their children to further their family's lot. Love wasn't a main factor or as important as it is today. But in this day and age where love and romance flourish it is just pitiful in my opinion that people should turn to tv to find "love" or a significant other. What if you find you aren't all that compatible with him or her? What if love never develops? Can these people honestly be satisfied with a platonic or passionless match? I couldn't, and can't. But then, with the morals of some people they'll most likely cheat on their spouses. Sad, very sad.
Love, who is most beautiful among the immortal gods, the melter of limbs, overwhelms in their hearts the intelligence and wise counsel of all gods and all men.
~Hesiod, The Theogeny~

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