Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Surely Teenaged Girls Are From Pluto?
02-24-2003 E 7:00 p.m.
Hello.... Geesh, don't you hate it when you know what you wanna say, but when you go to say it, it won't come? I knew what I was gonna say, but now that I'm facing this screen...*helpless look and shrug* words won't come. And the desire isn't here anymore to write about it. Which leaves the mundane or an impromptu brainstorm.

Sometimes it feels so long since I was a teenaged girl. Heck, I'm nearly 28; I should remember a bit of how I felt and acted like at that age. I remember that I couldn't wait to turn 13, I don't know why, but I thought it was a cool age, and teens did cool things--in the movies. The only other thang I remember about that time was being boy crazy, na�ve and silly.

It seems like another world to me now. Though it's not so hard for me to see and accept how I could ever have been that way, I still wonder at how I ever was like that. I guess all girls go through it. Unfortunately, we're reliving it living with Aubree. She's going on 13 herself, and...you know what a force of nature she is...with all her excess energy I'm sorry to say she drives me nuts at times.

She's such a teeny-bopper!! She jumps and leaps, doing cheers. She often giggles uncontrollaby for no reason, squealing and screaming loudly when excited. She has to sing along with every song she loves and play her blasted CD player with zee volume turned wwaayyy up. Then comes the mood swings. Of course, you've read about her 'tude, well there is no talking to her when she gets on that high horse of hers.

Thankfully it's just a stage. She'll grow out of it just as we all do. I'd just forgotten how goofy girls that age can be. And how annoying. No wonder the boys that age rolled their eyes at us when we passed them in the halls, glancing at them and started giggling. They most likely thought, Girls. They're so weird. or What planet did they come from? Pluto?

Um no, some doctor of something says we come from Venus. Perhaps so, but it would be (in my opinion) when we've matured past that horrifying stage. But during the early to mid teen years, I'd say we girls are definitely from Pluto. Or perhaps from a planet unknown and out of this solar system's orbit. Then once we've matured past the "alien stage" we board a ship and make our way to the colony on Venus.

The men however are a different story. But that is for one of them to tell.
I know the disposition of women: when you will, they won't; when you won't, they set their hearts upon you of their own inclination.

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moon phase


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