Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
01-26-2003 E 8:02 p.m.
Well, the paper's finished. Not my best work and I'm not at all sure she'll like it, but I honestly tried. I tried picking one thing--how literature is a product of its era, culture and author. I think I shoulda just focused on "Gilgamesh," but I had that danged contrast and comparison in my head. My second one next Monday will be better. I'll hold on to one issue like a pitbull with a meaty bone that refuses to let it go.

You know something else? I still can't think of that stupid word. It's not cite, but it's similiar.

Anyways, I'm free of it. For now, at least. I'm just thankful my printer cooperated as much as it did. It gave me fits my last spring semester.

I liked the poems to Inanna better than I did the "Epic of Gilgamesh." Mostly because they were easier to read language wise and the imagery was layered. Gilgamesh seemed to be self-involved and once his guy pal, Enkidu died, he seemed to lose all reason for living before he got it into his head to search for everlasting life. I was about as impressed with him as his people were. They hated his arrogance and his "I'm so magnificent" ways so much that they prayed to the gods for someone who was his equal yet opposite.

The only part I found interesting in that reading was the flood story. The flood being mentioned by the way, is the flood that wiped out everything but Noah and his party. Supposedly the guy Gilgamesh was talking to Noah, but in here he was Utnapishtim. I was really interested when he began to describe to Gilgamesh the proportions of the barque. They were almost word for word of those in the Bible, describing the ark. This has to be Noah! I thought, getting a tiny bit excited. So perhaps then Gilgamesh was an actual king of the city of Uruk.
Virtue debases itself in justifying itself.

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moon phase


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