Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Ramblin' About Gawain....
03-29-2003 E 2:34 p.m.
I'm taking a break from Sir Gawain... for a moment. I mean it's a good poem and all and I love the way the writer describes things. Kinda reminds me of how I like to describe thangs when I'm writing creatively. *laughs* Perhaps I wrote it in an earlier incarnation of myself. *is joking* Nah, I don't believe in that stuff. I'm too firmly entrenched in my religious beliefs to give credence to reincarnation.

But seriously, he wrote similar to my style--of description that, is. And the tale flows along fairly quickly. I'm over halfway through, but once again, I have no firm inkling of what I'll be writing my response to this on. Wednesday the professor gave us ideas, especially on linking it to the tale of the King Arthur-Guinevere-Lancelot love triangle. I think as a precursor to it, but I can't really remember all of what she said so... =os Plus, my edition is different than what she'd ordered for the class, but it's better than having to pay $13.80 or thereabouts for something you'll just sell back for less than the price you bought it for.

I have a couple threads going on here that I'm mentally taking notes for, so I'm not completely clueless. 1) of course, is the vivid descriptions throughout the poem; 2) is how the tale revolves around courtly behavior of the knight (in general, not Gawain in particular); and 3) is how Camelot and the people are depicted. 'Course, I've gotta narrow it down ta one. I'm leaning more towards two or three. Anyways you'll know Monday what it turned into. Gosh, I'm ssoo tired of writing papers every weekend, agonizing over whether she'll like it or not.
Life is real! Life is earnest!
And the grave is not its goal;
Dust thou art, to dust returnest,
Was not spoken of the soul.
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow~

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moon phase


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