Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Computer Frustrations
11-20-2002 E 3:07 p.m.
(recorded originally in notepad on 11-16-2002 at 5:45 p.m.)
Howdy. I shoulda just kept AOL on my computer for the next several days and just used it, but no I was doing as I was told. *shrugs* I mean I was going to get it for free for the next two blasted months, so why not use it? Because I was being the obedient daughter. *sighs* It's not really killing me to be without it, I'm just frustrated with a game right now, plus I was reminded this afternoon how hard it can be to have two parents sometimes. I made the mistake of telling Mom I canceled and deleted AOL from my computer.

My mistake was telling her I had it for free till I canceled or till Feb. 11th. She then went off telling me I could've still used it and they (the parents) could've saved the money they're gonna spend on the networking installation for something else. I upset one parent in following the other. Danged if I am, danged if I'm not type of thang.

Other than that, things are just peachy. The game works on the other computer, so maybe it's my puter that's defunct. *sigh* What else is new. Having the net would help take my mind off it, but I don't have it. And I'll be just fine without it. I only surf D-land and amazon.com anymore, check my email and look things up on Google. I've quit chat rooms, I don't look up penpal sites; they've been a bust. So there's really nothing important I need the Internet for.

(6:45 p.m.)
I installed the game again, this time on another drive. It works. That's the good news, the bad news is my D drive may be copying my C drive and is picking up its bad bytes. =0{ *sigh* Just what I need. Looks like I'm going to be watching my D drive over zee next few flippin' days. Great.

I was hopin' once I got AOL off my puter I'd have ppplleenty of room to download KaZaA again and install it on my H drive if I put my two games on my D drive. For some stupid reason the game installed ok on the drive, but wouldn't play on D. So I hope H has enough room for the game and KaZaA.

I'm sorry this has been such a downer entry. I've just been frustrated. I really had something fun planned, but I took too long in venting. =os
Virtue is bold, and goodness never fearful.
~William Shakespeare,

Measure For Measure~

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