Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Four Bodies On Zee Bed
07-16-2002 E 6:47 p.m.
Welp, we're not going campin' tomorrow; it had to be postponed until hopefully the week after next. Kjerstina wrecked her car Sunday, so she's using her sister's ancient relic. She's ok, but her mom doesn't think the car (Sonja's) is good enough to make it to Rexburg so...there you have it. If today had been any different, I would be more disappointed than I am now. I am exhausted.

I've said this many times before, and I doubt that I'll ever quit: seizures suck BIG TIME. Kami was so sweet though. Last night when I had come out of the first one in a series, she came into my room and was gentle and soothing. She pulled my quilt off and brought the fan in, even got me a drink. She slept on the sofa in the next room in case I needed her. This morning she talked me through my second one then slid my leg back onto the mattress where it had slid off during that danged seizure. All in all they left me drained and the recipient of a brute of a headache. A third one has threatened me off and on most of the afternoon.

Since I had these though I was kinda leery of goin' off for a couple days. I didn't want to alarm Kjerstie if the plague (my term for the suckers) returned, even though she's been around when I've had them. Besides I learned today her youngest sister, Natasja would be comin' with us. I don't want to be weirdin' out on her.

Knowing Natasja would be, or is, comin' camping with us changes everything. Though I don't know how Kjerstie expected three of us to sleep comfortably on the bench/bed in the van. Ok, Natasja is 14 and a sweet girl. But I was just plannin' on the two of us catching up on old times or new. Nastasja's potential presence sparked a crazy thought. One that I might regret carrying out. Invite Aubree. She's only two years younger than Natasja, and Kjerstina's inviting her so why not?

Aubree will be excited at the possibility of a new friend and she adores Kjerstina, so maybe she'll behave. That's my one worry: will she get an attitude?

I haven't invited her yet. Ever since an argument with Mom she's been touchy and sullen so I'm gonna wait till she's in a better mood. Four bodies on the bed now, sheesh.
Ideas are like children: there are none so wonderful as your own.
(from today's fortune cookie.)

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moon phase


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