Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Warning: Sensitive Topic Discussed
07-17-2002 E 9:46 p.m.
Aauugg! If this heat doesn't abate soon, I might move to Alaska or Texas and sit under Nan's A/C. I can't even eat a stinking candy bar without it melting before I get to the last five bites! Now, that's ridiculous! Why can't it be moderate? For the majority of this summer it's been one extreme or another. Very few days have been just right.

*changes gears* Have you noticed what the no. 1 tactic is to selling most anything? Sex. *gasp* The sweet Mormon girl said the "S" word! Yeah, I did. And you'll get over it. But if you really think about it, what I said is true. Many of the songs we hear deal with love and sex anymore. And if you happen to watch tv now and then, put your channel flippin' on hold for a few minutes and watch the danged commercials. You may or may not be surprised to see they use young women in sexy spaceage costumes that reveal provocative glimpses of skin to sell Gateway computers. You get caught up in the visual of a sensual fantasy you're like the cow at the end--"What computers?" Even yogurt, an innocent enough product, goes for sex appeal when advertising. Take the La Creme by whichever brand is selling it. In one commercial the wife pretends to be a French maid, complete with the short, pert outfit, flirting with and feeding the master (her husband). This is what the World's appetite has come down to. You aren't happenin' and are considered prudish and uptight if you aren't getting laid. Yes, I said the "L" word too. *hands those with delicate sensibilities a bottle of smelling salts* You'll get over that too.

It's as my former advisor said in my advertising class, "Three words sell everything. Free. Sex. Money." Those three words got your attention, right? If they didn't you're beyond temptation and good for you. It would be refreshing if the world had the morals and ethics it did of the 19th century or earlier.

Now before I go further my goal isn't to sound Puritanical or to point fingers and judge; I'm just sharing an observation made by my mother.

We watch the History Channel, which has some very interesting documentries. One was on whether or not David and Solomon and a few other people of Bibical times were actual people or just characters made for myths. As Mom said, the scholars who hold the view they were myths only are almost too smart that they're dumb. But that's not the point.

There was another documentry similiar to that about the rise and fall of several great civilizations. Scholars with all these credentials were giving historical evidence and sharing theories as to the causes. But while they all mentioned a close connection to a Higher Being or Beings in the numerous cultures, none mentioned the state the societies were in when they fell. Now, if I were good with historical facts dealing with migrations and politics then I could relate the scholars' theories, but there is one thing I remember, however vaguely. Society's morals and ethics. If you look at any civilization--Israel included--at its height, you'll notice a relationship to God or the gods. At its waning its people were more materialistic, cocky and had moved away from the all-encompassing religion and towards hedonism.

Mom's point and my opinion? Well, since I believe in God the Father, I tend to look at their falls through Mom's point of view. And that is those societies toppled because of a lack of morals and ethics and attention to the God (or deities in their religions) who created them, be they pagans or Israelites or Muslims. Look at Soddem and Gomorah for example. It was destroyed because of the immorality and wickedness that prevailed there.

And look at today's society. Our morals are more lax then they were 75 years ago. It's ok now to declare an alternative lifestyle, where as 20 years ago it was frowned upon. It's ok to move in together before marriage. It's ok to have premarital sex. Anyways you get the point. Sex occupies a great deal of the human attention and is the greatest need. It all boils down to...sex.

*is a bit shocked at the turn of this entry, but doesn't feel any regrets* Though I apologize if I've offended anyone.

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moon phase


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