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� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
For Warda
07-11-2002 E 5:53 p.m.
The topic of which I'm about to write reminds me of her, so this is, simply, for my sis in Hawaii. But anyone can benefit from this too. I've begun to read C.S. Lewis' The Screwtape Letters.

Many know him for the Chronicles of Narnia series. But he also wrote philosophical pieces about Christianity. Warda (I hope she doesn't mind me sharing this) is an intellectual who's interested in Christian philosophies. (She explains it better in her profile.) So naturally, this book reminded me of her.

It is about two devils corresponding back and forth on the state of man and the art of leading us astray. Screwtape is the uncle and mentor to young Wormwood, who is trying to ensnare this new convert to Christianity. Screwtape, in his letters gives advice and remarks on the weak nature and stupidity of man. But what he has to say and tells his young aprentice is thought provoking. Thus, it is slow going, but by no means is it boring. C.S. Lewis masterfully reveals the inner workings of the spiritual battle the devils wage against the "Enemy" in such a way that you can almost see it. And you can definitely identify with.

I'm only on Letter VI, but I highly recommend it if you want something to ponder. And it'd be a change from Morte D'Arthur, Warda. And something you could share with you-know-who. *lilting tone*

A thought just occurred to me. Screwtape and Wormwood are like Obi Wan and Anakin in Episode II, except they're on the Dark Side. If that's an added incentive to go read it, good! LOL

Reading this book is good for me, I think. I find myself going, "oh yeah..." on a number of occasions. The little I've read so far has gotten me thinking about what our church leaders have said about topics Screwtape has touched on so far. Like prayer, for example. In his fourth letter to Wormwood he advises the young demon to keep his patient from serious prayer. The devils could do this a couple of ways. 1) Put into their minds the prayer they were taught and parroted as children. In other words, turn them into modern day Pharisees who draw near to Christ with their lips while in truth their hearts are far from Him. 2) When they pray, push them to pray to an object they use to symbolize Him, instead of to Him as a Person.

The church leaders say to guard against this. Pray with a sincere heart and a contrite spirit. Praying out loud helps you to focus on what you're praying for. And don't displace your prayers onto an object. That is seen as icon worship.

The Screwtape Letters I think have reminded me of the spiritual battle and how the Other Side is devious and of Christian doctrines. It really is a good book.
Bibles that are falling apart usually belong to people who aren't.

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