Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
If I Rant, Forgive Me
12-22-2001 E 5:18 p.m.
The Eighties Pop Act Test deems me:

70% Eighties Pop Act

You are U2: You moved well beyond the eighties, you have grown into a person ready for this millenium. But your best work was still the Joshua Tree. So watch 21 JumpStreet reruns.

Amazing. I never did watch 21 JumpStreet. And my favorite U2 song is With or Without You. *� smile* These lil tests of personility are becoming like a drug; I see one that piques my interest and I have to take it. =os Oh, well. It's not harming anyone, is it?
I'm bored, so I thought I better write before I get too lazy to write. But it's not like you missed anything today, except visitors bringing the family plates of goodies: carmels and fudge; peanut brittle; chocolate cupcakes decorated with white snowmen sprinkles and filled with pudding inside and cinnamon rolls. *waggles eyebrows enticingly* Now, who wants some goodies?

It's so different not having the millstone of homework about your neck. I almost don't know what to do with myself that won't earn "You live in your room" type of comments. If I didn't have a disability, I could get about Mom's kitchen. I woulda made cookies. Or candy. I'm in the mood to be doing something homey yet productive. Perhaps then I wouldn't have been bored as the day wore on or a bit lonely. I keep thinking, If I'm busy, I'll feel better.

Part of my problem in being down is {{if you don't to hear me rant about guys then feel free to skip this section}} a certain guy treating a friend of mine poorly. He may like her, but I know he likes another woman a bit more. It's apparent in the way he talks to my friend. Example: "I like the two of ya, but understand next month I might with her."

That's what he said to her. That kinda royally ticked me off, cause I have my own situation with Stephen going on which, if I'm not careful, could blow up in my face--and bye bye friendship. Anyways, back to my friend. The guy says she has to earn her place in his heart. What the...&*(@)^? He's leading you on, girl. And he isn't denying it. Dump Randy.

Why do guys have to go on ego trips? *sigh* I guess it's like askin' "why do women act like harpies?" Guys, all we want is to feel special. To know that we matter and that you still want us around. A lot of us aren't gonna try for your hearts if you play us and don't act like we're special to you. And if you don't bother denying we're making wrong assumptions then we ain't gonna want to keep trying. And "it takes two to tango." So what if we don't have another man after us? That doesn't mean you can sit back and expect us to work alone to make the relationship a success! A lil secret for ya: A real man knows a relationship will only work if both parties meet each other 50-50. So, you guys who think it's fun to see two women fight for you and you not doing a blessed thing to make both feel special--GROW UP. *shuts up about that for now*

I have this angel canister that Jessy gave me some Christmases ago. It used to contain a bag of Reeses peanut butter cups. Now, I use it to store any change and cash I can afford to spirit away. Today I got a letter concerning my money I get from the state. It got me thinking about the nest egg I don't have. I looked at it [the canister] on my bookshelf. I didn't think I had any cash in there. Perhaps whatever change I put in there or $10 and a Czech crown [coin].

So I got it down, opened it and looked inside, not expecting much. There was the odd change of course, and the Czech crown. But what was a pleasant surprise was the 20 dollar bill inside! Yay! I put my last $2 in and two pennies. I have $22, some odd change and one Czech crown. (The Czech crown was a leftover coin Mike had from his mission. It's not worth a lot here, but it sure is pretty.) So, I have a start on my nest egg...though I wish I woulda thought of starting it as a teenager.

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Recently Recorded...
06-17-2006 E Good Bye
06-07-2006 E A Real-Life American Princess
06-06-2006 E I Have VICTORY--With a Lil Help
06-03-2006 E The Ballot-Marking Device: Making History
06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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