Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
The Glorious Sport of College Football
03-24-2004 E 6:13 p.m.
Oh, ay yi yi. I'm tired. But I guess that's due to having Mom down here for the night with her cold. I awoke any time she had a coughing fit. But it's not her fault, poor thing. This flu came on her within hours Monday evening. And it's hit her hard. This morning she was made even more miserable by a bout with the stomach flu. So she went upstairs after everybody left and I was up. I was fine and then the tiredness hit about an hour or two ago. I don't know how late I'll be staying up or if I'll even read tonight.
College and football. To many they are synomynous. Bordering on being a religion in and of themselves. College football is sacred; do not even joke about or mess with this topic. You will be sorry if you do. For these types of people any joke or off-hand comment about this sport is close to blasphemy. Athletes are their heroes and to these people's minds, they're what makes their alma maters or favorite schools great.

So, I had to laugh a bit and grin last night during a conversation with Heather about the financial situation at U of I (up in Moscow, ID).

"'Tis a good thing I'm here and not in Moscow," she stated, changing from the previous subject. "I'd be for looking into financial records and reaming people right and left."

Confused at the sudden transition in topics, all I had to say was, "Eh?"

"They're not going to give profs. a pay raise, they're hiking tuition, the new prez gets $192,000 a year (plus the signing bonus of a car and house), and they're chopping departments for lack of money." Heather informed me indignantly.

She continued, on a roll: "Oh, but the athletic dept. just got a fancy smancy new building, and they're pouring money into it."

At this I could definitely feel her frustration because, when I was at ISU in Poky I was told by an employee once that putting in electric doors for the disabled wasn't a priority. The money was going towards something else like the Maintenance and Heating Plant or something. Over the next few months, however, Sandy, my care provider, and I noticed the parking lot next to my apartment building becoming full with new University cars. The university already had enough cars to get around the campus!

But I digress. Needless to say, the memory of that irritant surfaced as I read Heather's complaints.

"Somehow priorities are so messed up," she ranted. "Profs. should get at least as much as the prez if not more, THEY are the ones that do the work!"

I agreed.

"And if you ask me, college would be a sight better if athletics were left out entirely. College should be about learning, not playing football!"

At this I had to laugh. If those college football fans could hear her...ooohhh the fit would hit the shan, as Nan says. Heather is a true academian, and I don't mean of the nut variety. Oh, wait. That's Macadamian nut. *winks*

The conversation turned a bit again, but soon she mused, "I wonder if my tuition is going to pay some lame-brain to chase a football around."

Again, I had to laugh. You definitely can tell football is low in Heather's estimation. *grins and shakes head*

Ah, the glorious sport of college football. Don't come between it and a fan, and don't come between a scholar and her academics.

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