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� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Is Bush Being Foolhardy?
10-11-2002 E 6:28 p.m.
Today's Horoscope: Dreams, visions, and insights revealed through meditation could put you in touch with a side of the universe that you've never been aware of before, dear Cancer. The experience could be so profound that you'll want to make a record of it right away, and therefore you might spend much of the day writing, drawing, or painting. At the end of the day you'll be a changed person, albeit in a subtle way. Make the most of it!

Hmmm, well I've had no "visions" or dreams today--though I haven't really tried meditating. But last night for a few minutes as I lay in bed before drifting off I wondered if I would hear another voice or experience an otherworldly occurrence so soon after the last one. I entertained the possibility of putting my imagination to work and letting it imagine what it would, but I felt silly. And I know I keep harping on this bodiless voice thang, but it freaked me out...and if it is real, I'd like to see where it ends. It could make an interesting story.

Did anybody catch Bush's speech the other day? If so, what's your opinion? Is Bush being foolhardy in pushing for a stand (war plan) against Saddam Hussein? Or is he wise in wanting to nip it the bud, so to speak? Is America ready for a possible war?

Listening to my parents, the answer is no we aren't ready, and yes, Bush is gonna get us in trouble with his forceful talk. But in talking to Jen who's caught bits and pieces of what's going on and who listened to his speech, she feels while we may not go to war, Bush is right. We need to do something. It's better to catch the cancer early and treat it with a higher chance of anhilating it than to let it go and spread, then operating and trying to cut out what portion you can.

I agree something must be done about Saddam Hussein and his horde of weapons. What scares me are the nuclear and biological weapons. Bush Sr. should have done something back in the Persian Gulf War that would have solved the problem of the Iraqi leader, in my opinion. But he left that as a hard legacy for his son. I don't know what to think about G. W. Bush's forcefulness; I haven't followed it religiously. But I do know this: Bush got us through Sept. 11th last year with only months as president under his belt. He'll do his best to get us through this possible threat too. I don't know if our country is ready for war with Iraq. Also, as much as I support Bush as our prez, I don't think one country has the right to depose a leader of another country. It would be taking that nation's sovereignty away. Only that specific country has the right to depose a leader.
Think you're perfect? Try walking on water.

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