Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Going With the Flow
03-03-2002 E 6:40 p.m.
I hate taking cold medicine, I always end up so woozy. It (the cold) descended upon me Friday night. Yesterday morning I woke up so stuffed and congested I could hardly breathe. However, probably because of a Vick's rubdown, I woke up much clearer though my voice is hoarser and slightly deeper. To me that doesn't equate. I wish I could cancel school. *sigh*

Other than this nada happened. So I figured I'd try a writer's exercise, writing just whatever enters my mind. So if you get confused by all the possible tangents, they probably won't be important anyway. After all I'm in "the cold fog."

I really don't wanna go to school tomorrow. Only if we go full class period, or if Mom takes me. The professor of Writing doesn't want to be "a professor teaching." He wants us to be a discussion group or "coworkers." Last Wednesday we were only in class 30 minutes! And it was a waste! Nobody really had anything to say or to add. So we were allowed to go. I had an hour and a half wait for the bus. If I had had Mom there to pick me up like last semester, I could have been home by 12:30! My other class I have no worries because she likes taking the full time.

I never did tell you, my brother Michael is wanting to join the National Guard. Next weekend they are going down to Logan so Michael can take the test. *sigh* This war really has had an effect on our young men. I don't think the Draft will need to be resurrected, many are enlisting without prompting. First Milo thought about joining the Marines, then Kjerstina's brother has joined the Navy for six years, and now my brother. I have mixed feelings; I'm proud but yet... Do I really want them in the military? I know it's not my choice, but there's a bit of unease with the pride I have. I guess I na�vely thought all the great wars were behind us. But as Mom recently said, "This is truly the beginning of the end." It's going to get a lot worse before it even gets better. Some say the Constitution will hang by a thread. Kinda scary.

I think that's why fiction--fantasy--appeals to me so much. Anything is possible. People can be in a hopeless situation yet defy death or beat whatever it is that oppresses them. I have long since learned I can change nightmares to my advantage. That is, if I'm awake enough to realize I'm dreaming yet asleep enough to be in the dream. This morning however, was not the case. I dreamt that there was this guy and he killed a much loved foreign student at ISU. All because the kid supposedly admitted to being in love with the guy's girlfriend. The dream went on, with a show like Oprah talking about this guy. As the show aired, he had apparently killed several more people, college aged. The students, I among them, gathered in a common room to watch the show. I remember thinking, And they just let him continue walking the streets?! It was on the show I found out my childhood best friend was one of his victims. Naturally I went to pieces, grieving. I was led out of the room. That's when I woke up, eyes wet. I hate these type of dreams. I feel like some sicko, dreaming my friend was murdered. And the guy killed because they got in his way or ticked him off.

Oh hey, for the next three weeks, Sunday on ABC is Fairy Tale night. The Magical World of Disney is showing three enchanted tales. Tonight it was the animated Cinderella. Next week is the story about one of the ugly stepsisters. The week after is a new version of Snow White. Those two are the ones I want to see. Although you know what? I would love to see them make a movie about the "Wild Swans." You know, the one where the princess cannot speak until she completes the seven nettle shirts for her brothers who are under a spell as swans. I love that fairy tale. Though my favorite is Beauty and the Beast. Anyone have a favorite fairy tale?

Aubree has been in a drawing mood today. She wanted to draw a castle and dragon like from Shrek. She wondered if I had pictures of dragons. Well...I knew where I could find an easy one to copy. I hope you don't mind Adahy. She did a really good rendition of it too. The picture is really good for an eleven-year-old. It has a grand castle and tower that the dragon is guarding. I hope Aubey keeps it for her scrapbook.

I better close, I need a bath before school tomorrow.

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moon phase


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