Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
My Family
03-04-2002 E 7:32 p.m.
I just renewed my Gold Membership today. Probably shouldn't have after my Internet splurge, but I was afraid my images wouldn't show if I let it go for a month. I checked my account to see just in case. I should be ok; Nan is sending me money to cover some of the expenses. So once that's deposited I should be even better by a lil for the month. She wouldn't let me call Daddy for the money. She had decided to do just do it. Next time if I get in a jam I'll just call him. He still owes child support and should share college expenses for Michael and I, but unless Pam finds something she thinks we'd for birthdays or Christmas, we hardly get a letter or money from him. I love him, I do. And I understand getting a rice mill up and running isn't easy, and that money is tight at first. But I feel he owes us for what lil we ask for. I had only called Nan to find out Daddy's financial freedom--to see if he could possibly loan me $20. But the grandmother came out in her. Since we live the farthest away--except for Aunt Colleen and her family--and she can't see us, she wants to do everything she can. Even if it means giving me or Michael her last dime. Or even my mom. Money's already tight anyway because she and Paw Paw (good ole Southern names, huh?) are helping to support my cousin Charity's family. Nan and Paw Paw can't die; they have my aunts and cousins so dependent on them. It'd be chaos.

Aubree has decided to take up the clarinet instead of continuing with the violin. Or she may continue the violin for just this year because that's what she plays in orchestra. I thought nothing could be worse or more piercing than a beginner on the violin. If played right, the violin is a beautiful instrument. But with a beginner? You need patience, tact and a good set of ear plugs. Aubree's slightly gotten past the painful stage of playing flat or too fast, making the violin whine pitifully. But she proved me wrong about the violin being the worst or most piercing. The clarinet is. Of course, she was trying to play for Mom right behind me. The violin was merely annoying. With the clarinet, I wanted to cover my ears.

I didn't go to school today. I was quite surprised when Mom didn't put up an argument. She called the CART bus and canceled my ride. It was good to sleep in after a restless night. And I could care less that I missed today. (It was Writing.) Wouldn't have been surprised if we got out early today. I believe we were to have an in-class assignment where we get in groups. Usually we have the entire hour and are done 15-25 minutes before the class is supposed to end. So it saved me some extra waiting. La-di-da. Oh well.

Also, I've kept forgetting to add this in. I've got email with ISU that I hardly use. But I have to check it regularly because Professor B. sends us outlines and notices for Philosophy. But the recent emails she's sent (like from three weeks ago) just barely made it to my Inbox by Thursday at least. I've had to get the notices from classmates. This does not bode well in emailing my papers to her. Thus, I sent her a test email from Yahoo! It is usually reliable, but has been known to delay messages too. *sigh* In the test message I explained my predicament, so I hope she'll understand when my papers arrive late. For most assuredly they will.
A word to the wise. Never play Uno Attack with my family, unless you want a loud, vicious competition. And for those who do get an Uno, you gotta be aware, every other player who may know your color or type of card will be against you, trying to prevent you from going out. We just got done playing a few rounds for Family Home Evening. I never want to be around that viciousness again. Yes it was fun, but they reminded me of sharks. I best go. Night all.

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moon phase


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