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� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Up To My Eyeballs In Papers!
01-15-2002 E 8:12 p.m.
Goodness gracious, great balls of fire! I'd always liked that line from Top Gun. But anyways...

I found out today I'm going to be swimming in papers this semester. By the end of this semester I'll be so sick of Microsoft Word and cranking out essays and whatnot. On top of zee five papers, in-class assignments and final project in Prof. Writing, I've got roughly eight essays and a comparitive paper due in Philosophy of Women's Studies. *bemused look* However in Philosophy, she has given us a format to follow that seems fairly simple. I mean she tells us what we should put in the papers right in the syllabus. All we have to do is take the topic and write about it in our own words using the perameters she's set. That'll make my job a whole lot easier.

I think I'm gonna like this class. I thought it would be mainly a discussion session of how feminism came about, its views and what causes it fights for. She is going to break us up into groups once in awhile so everybody has a chance to participate, but looking at the syllabus it sounds more like we're going to be discussing different types of feminism (ie. liberal, marxist, etc.) Another objective of the professor's is to disspell the prevailing belief that feminism is a man-hating, controling attitude. So, yeah I'm looking forward to this class despite the extra add-on of papers. I just hope I don't let the load overwhelm me.

I started Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets three days ago. Right away I liked it and can see why people say it's a page turner. She (Rowling) started in right away with the action of the plot from zee first page. I like that because (in any book) it draws the reader in, and if zee author can hook the reader in further than that author most likely has a bestseller. Or a following of loyal fanaroos. I like Dobby, the house-elf. He's cute though he can be irksome. And Lockhart, he's annoyingly so full of himself. Betcha ten to one he has something to do with Voldemort. *rephrases herself at the sound of shocked gasps upon reading the name Volde--* Ok, ok. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. That'll be a second Defense Against Dark Arts teacher who'll have bitten the dust. Can't say I'm sorry though. Anyone who's that good looking and has half the witch population drooling, thinking he's perfect--well, he's got to be too good to be true.

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moon phase


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