Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Angels: Heavenly Messengers, Guardians, Avengers (Part 1)
05-22-2002 E 8:30 p.m.
Howdy do. The excitement continues, but out of protection of an innocent person, I will refrain from sharing it. Instead, as a promise to Warda, I'm putting up an essay I wrote in 1997 for a Mass Comm class. As it is a bit long, I am dividing it into two parts.
A year ago I went to JCPenney with my sister, who wanted to look at a pair of jeans. As I waited for Kami to decide if she wanted them or not, my eye was caught by two chubby cherubs on a white T-shirt. I had to take a look. I found other angel designs. My favorite one had a blonde angel dressed in a flowing pink robe--with her white wings spread--in the upper left corner. Across the front was a quote from Hebrews 13:2: �Be not forgetful to entertain strangers, thereby some have entertained angels unawares.� Since, angels and cherubs have captured the public�s attention. These heavenly beings can be found everywhere-- as knickknacks, on clothes, calendars and checkbooks, in movies and books.

There�s always been something appealing about angels and their small plump cousins. Perhaps it�s their association with the infinite. Or, it could be their ethereal beauty, innocence and strength. Even the feelings of peace, love and protection they

bring. For me, it�s a combination of all three. Whatever the reason, they surround us, giving us comfort while lifting our thoughts to a higher being and igniting our

imaginations with fantastic stories of their deeds.

I must admit, I too, am captivated by the

universal scheme. Are they assistants to the Savior, who help those in need and get

the prodigal sheep back to the fold? Do they continue their progress toward perfection on the other side? What do they look like; are they in their prime? We have always pictured angels young with wings and halos, symbols of their purity, innocence and strength. To us they are messengers from our Father in Heaven; angels are special, unseen guardians who comfort and protect us, or avenge an injustice.

After centuries of implicit awe and feelings of sacredness, our inherent curiosity brings the angels out into the open. They�re a mysterious element to which we are just now seeking understanding. Almost everyone of us have been aware of these otherworldly beings since we were little, thanks to the scriptures and Clarence (he�s the angel) in It�s A Wonderful Life or any other angel story. As children, we loved these tales and wondered about angels from time to time, but our minds and attention were soon snagged by other, more tangible objects. Angels were given no more thought until the next bedtime story.

Now, like many people�s, my thoughts turn to these celestial benefactors. They present an irresistible unknown element which challenges me to find answers to my questions.

The first of my quest was to gather sources. Once I began looking I found

plenty--the scriptures, television shows and books. It was humbling. From the Bible and other books I found wonderful stories with three types of angels: the messenger,

the guardian and the avenger. People on television were eager to share their experiences and their ideas of the glorified spirits. They want others to know we all are not alone, as we may sometimes feel. We are being watched over. If we fall or stray, we are led back to the fold.

I had enough information. Sorting through it and understanding how it answered my questions was step two. I started with the Bible. The Lord uses angels as messengers mostly. The angel appearing to Mary in the book of Luke and telling her she had been chosen to bear God�s Only Begotten Son is an example. In the case of the Israelites escaping from captivity in Egypt, He used an avenging angel known as the Angel of Death.

These accounts are wonderful to read and to listen to, and they seem to support my theory of being assistants to Him. Yet, they don�t answer whether the angels are continuing to strive for perfection and what they look like. So on to the next source.

This last May I happened to be at a fireside for my church. At this event one of the speakers related a traumatic experience she�d had in the seventh grade.

Because of its nature, her experience caught the attention of Unsolved Mysteries. Emily gave a brief summary and let us watch the re-enactment done by the popular TV show.

She is from Cokeville, Wyo. where the middle school was taken hostage by a lunatic and his wife. The couple had a homemade bomb and held the hostages in a big classroom with a bank of windows facing the door. The bomb was attached to the man�s wrist by a length of string. As the afternoon wore on the man became agitated. He left the room, leaving his wife tied to the bomb. She forgot, as she too became upset, about the bomb and jerked her wrist.

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