Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
One Eventful Weekend That Hasn't Stopped
05-21-2002 E 8:20 p.m.
I wonder if things will settle down now. Kami's all graduated and done with high school now. But in the meantime things have been quite eventful...

Friday: Somebody wanted to buy our house. It's only a two-story old rock house that's over a 100-years-old. But the wife of a Provo family wants it. They are moving to Idaho because the father has gotten a job here at the college. I guess they were driving around and she (the wife) spotted this house. "I have to have this house!" she declared.

They pulled over and Dad answered her knock. They visited and Dad let her see some of the old woodwork in the the first two rooms. But upon her asking how much this house was, she wouldn't accept his "We're not interested in selling." She reiterated how she wants this house, how this is the house for her. She also kept asking how much it was. Dad told her, but he remained firm. I found it vastly amusing; it sounds like she isn't told no a lot.

Saturday: I was a bundle of nerves. I had had little sleep; I was tired by 2:30 p.m. The paper I was working on was slow going; Jess, who arrived with an entourage in tow, had promised to help me type and never did. Needless to say, that one paper never was finished. Jessy was trying to get kids out of the house so Dad could shampoo and clean carpets and Mom could be away from people. (She was stressing major.) I was tired and emotional and pressed for time. I started to cry. But I let Jessy pull me away because the parents encouraged it and because of her promise to help me later that night.

She never did.

Monday: Mikey and Jen spent all afternoon and evening helping me with the research paper. When it came time to print, they were about ready to take my printer apart and trash it or fix it by the time we were all done. It was being its usual finicky self. *sigh*

Shane, Grandpa and Grandma all came yesterday for Kami's graduation. So we had a houseful. *smiles*

Then the kicker. Remember that poetry contest I entered? A letter came yesterday, saying I made it to the semi-finals. And because I did or because of my "talent" my poem, "Farmhouse Memories" was chosen for publication in an anthology. Imagine how excited I was! I was acting high and tried callin' friends to tell them the good news. But in the back of my mind I wondered if it was legit.

Tuesday: It rained and blew on Kami's parade. Her commencement was outdoors in the Viking Stadium at BYU-Idaho. And because of that I could not go.

I came online, all excited to tell you my good news. I saw John online and wondered if he'd heard anything from poetry.com. Nope, but he thinks it's a scam. He's done some digging and it looks like it is. There's a phone number on the letter that I'm gonna call and find out. Cause if it isn't, I would really like to know I'll get published.

which Episode II character are you?

Probably the greatest Jedi Knight of all. Like Obi Wan, you are wise and keep your feet on the ground at all times. You will not be outsmarted by anyone. You are always faithful to your friends. Be careful though, danger lurks around every corner - you could even be betrayed by those closest to you.

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Recently Recorded...
06-17-2006 E Good Bye
06-07-2006 E A Real-Life American Princess
06-06-2006 E I Have VICTORY--With a Lil Help
06-03-2006 E The Ballot-Marking Device: Making History
06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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