Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Dreary Weather is Contagious to a Person's Mood
10-30-2003 E 5:28 p.m.
*sigh* Well, unless the snow and wind stop soon and the sun comes out full force, we may well have snow for a more days until a warm spell... Unless it snows off and on from now until the Spring thaw. Not a pleasant thought. I don't want snow yet. I still want to be able to go out on the deck without freezing to death and spend time with Egypt. And poor Egypt, he's been cooped up inside for most of the day as the wind and snow have picked up. Yesterday, as I looked out the bay window in the living room I had mixed feelings. The wonder and magic of the year's first snowfall tried to rise above the disappointment and denial weighing them down, but they couldn't. The disappointment outweighed them, though the denial had to morph into resigned acceptance.

*second sigh* Heather's not coming. Due to the weather, of course. Can't say I honestly blame her, but at the same time...the disappointment is great. We were, as I think I mentioned yesterday, going to paint pumpkins and do some other things centered around Halloween. I haven't seen her in a while--not since Conference--so it would've been nice to spend some hours with her. =os Ah well.

I don't think any pizzazz will spark between bgcntryboy and myself. I contact him, he's contacted me at times and he's invited me to his place twice, but I think his interest and enthusiasm has waned each time I have to say no, I can't. He's tired of women saying "no" and I can't blame him. If woman after several women said "Sorry, but no" then any guy would soon stop trying. I feel bad, but I don't feel comfortable meeting a stranger at his place on a cold snowy night. I sent him a couple of emails and an e-card for Halloween, but he's only been interested in trying to get together. So I think I'll quietly go about my life and let him find a woman who's active and trim and doesn't mind meeting right away.

I have no idea what to do now. I was expecting to be busy with Heather, but I've already talked on that. Harry Potter is sorta calling me, and I'm being tortured by the sweet scent of apples on my fingers. Mom's bowling league had its costume party today and two teams brought food and drink. There were apple slices, among other goodies, and carmel dip and hot apple cider. I was in apple heaven. Now I'm craving those very things. Gggrrr.
Remember, we all stumble, every one of us. That�s why it's a comfort to go hand in hand.
~Emily Kimbrough~

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moon phase


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