Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Pumpkin and Spooktacular Talk
10-29-2003 E 1:14 p.m.
*sing song voice* It's rai-ning, it's pour-ring, it's snow-ing, the old man is not snor-ing, the weather is get-ting in the Hallo-ween mode.

It's yuck and dreary out, with a chill air that will go right through your bones even if you have layer upon layer of clothes on. Yessir, winter is nigh upon us and there aren't very many people I know who're ready for or wanting it to come this soon.

I decided this year I didn't want a jack-o-lantern; I don't have any desire to muck out its cold, slimy orangy insides. But still...decorated pumpkins are very much a part of Halloween. Then I remembered Heather saying last year she and her mummy (ha ha, mummy--for Halloween, get it?) had painted small pumpkins. I figured I could do that and it (my pumpkin) would last a lot longer too. So, when Heather and I get together next, we'll paint our lil pumpkins and be able to show Halloween spirit after all! I'm thinking of painting mine as a Frankenstein; maybe I'll ask Dad if I can kife a pair of bolts to glue on either side of his/her neck. I dunno if I could get stuff for a bride's wig... Though that would be cool.

I have no firm plans for Halloween like I have before. I do, however, want to watch High Spirits and The Canterville Ghost. Maybe the Disney Channel will have an all day Halloween-athon, who knows? Maybe I'll even ask Mom to paint a jack-o-lantern on my cheek.

The brainstorming on my story has slowed to a very intermittent trickle. I'm not even sure anymore I want the ghost's name to be Carnelian. Though her name, and those of her sisters, still will be jewels. And her family will have lived in Galveston around 1841--I've been to that city a few times. Plus, her father will have owned a shipping business and been very influential. I've also gotten an impression of what she'll look like. Though depending on whether her family was of Mexican heritage somewhere along the line or not, her skin tone may be either very light or somewhat darker. But what won't change is her heart-shaped face, her dark hair and dark doe-like eyes, or her thin aquiline nose above a Cupid's bow shaped mouth. She'll be thin, of course, and perhaps taller by several inches than most women of her day. And I'm thinkin' she'll be wearin' an afternoon dress in a pink sprigged (small flower buds, I think) print.

I haven't figured out why or what happened yet that makes her linger on as a ghost, or how that ties in to her descendant or her lover's descendant, I haven't decided which. And the not being able to come up with this epiphany has been a nuisance. But then, I haven't just sat and cleared my mind and let possibilities come floating in. My mind has been constantly in motion, going from that thought to this to this interesting thing or that not-so-interesting task. I just need to take the time for her.
Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.
~Les Brown~

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Recently Recorded...
06-17-2006 E Good Bye
06-07-2006 E A Real-Life American Princess
06-06-2006 E I Have VICTORY--With a Lil Help
06-03-2006 E The Ballot-Marking Device: Making History
06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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