Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Day 2--"Martha Married Lady"
08-07-2002 E 7:36 p.m.
(written as if I were entering it from my grandparents' house)
I'm almost too tired to write. But I will try. Jen, Aubey and I shared a hotel room while Jon stayed in with Mom and Dad. It was 2:00 before we even got into bed. Even after that Aubree whispered to Jen for awhile longer. Guests who were going to the sealing (wedding) needed to be at zee temple by 12:30 so I knew I needed sleep...we all did. I told Aubree to go to sleep.

She has been in a funk because she couldn't get in on the bridesmaids' action. (Jessy had reserved a room for her and the bridesmaids on the eve of the wedding. Coincidentally, their room was upstairs in the same hotel. LOL What are the odds?) Plus, Aubree had been gotten after most of zee day so she was angry and was in her "poor me" attitude. Translation: her mood was dangerous. I treaded lightly. Jen diffused the situation when she helped me into bed--she got her payback. (I've tickled her feet whenever she's been unaware and her feet within reach. Hey, the opportunity was too good to pass up!) She grabbed my butt. It was all I good do to stifle the gurgle of laughter bubbling up in my throat. I buried my face in the sheets. Of course, Aubree couldn't be left out. She also grabbed me. Finally, lights went out and silence reigned once I told Aubree to shut it.

Nine o' clock came pretty fast. Pretty soon we were at the temple, waiting to be ushered into the sealing room. Jessy made a beautiful bride. The ceremony was very good; the Spirit was definitely there and strong. I know I've said this before, but looking at her I remembered her two years ago. Her attitude has changed for the better. She never wanted to wear the garments endowed members wear, she drank light liquors now and then. And she wanted to walk down the aisle. The transformation is incredible. She's become what she never wanted to be. LOL A strong Mormon. Which is good!

Still looking at her I thought, You made it Jess. You made it. And Nathaniel's just the one who can help her understand the church better. I don't know how she lucked out on him, but she done good in getting her a winner. It's gonna take some getting used to that she's Martha Married Lady. We always figured she'd get married after college. She even thought so herself.

Afterwards we were semi-baked while the pictures were being taken. Being a part of several mid to late summer weddings reinforced my desire for a late spring or early summer wedding of my own. That way it's ok outside but not too warm.

We're still maiming ourselves. Jen hit her funnybone twice today. Aubree and Jon have hurt themselves similarly as well.

*is getting too tired to continue* The reception was boring, I'm afraid. It wasn't really a reception. I don't know why she had the girls dress in the bridesmaid's outfits. There was no line. We had a deli buffet set up for those who were at the temple and had missed lunch. Then she threw her bouquet--which Aubree caught--and Nathaniel removed and tossed her garter. The cake was next.

One last thing before I go. Buffalo meat. Grandma B. fixed it as a roast with rice, corn on the cob and tossed green salad. Buffalo meat is quite good. But now since I had those coincidences with the animal (there's an entry in blackdawne25 explaining them, but I can't find it) I refrain. Suffice it to say those experiences seemed to lead to one conclusion in my desire for a Native American name and spirit animal. From those coincidences the buffalo--though I would have preferred a more feminine animal--it's become my spirit animal so I felt disrespectful if I were to eat it. I felt silly as well because if I tried to explain this to my family... Only Indians and those who are into their cultures would really understand.
Life is not always a bed of roses. It has its thorns too.
(inspired by a comment from Nathaniel's mom who left one thorn on the bridesmaids' bouquets to remind us life isn't easy.)

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