Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Day 1--We Keep Maiming Ourselves
08-06-2002 E 10:30 p.m.
(written as if it were entered on the actual day)
Ay yai yai. It feels like ages since we got in the vehicle and the road. Reluctant attitudes also made it long.

It's so apparent that good attitudes could make this an all right trip. Trouble is, not many of us want to change that; Jen doesn't really care. It's just another wedding to her. The way I look at this trip is, if my parents would relax and quit saying: "I wish this were all over," then the atmosphere would be like a mini vacation. I mean, we're in a hotel with a swimming pool. We're staying and visiting with Grandpa and Grandma B. after the reception then seeing Gradma before we head home. Looks to me like a sweet vacation right there. It's stupid, I think, to let one attitude color your whole trip!

Dad wanted to get off by nine; we got off by 10:30. Hardly anyone was up by nine, then Kami almost had Shane convinced into coming with us. But Dad told Shane not to let Kami railroad him. So for several minutes it was unknown if he was gonna with us or stay behind. The second mystery of the morning was who would be driving which vehicle. For the past two days Mom and Dad have been talking about Kami driving the van while they took the air conditioned car.

Kami hates driving the van because of its size. But this morning, while Mom told Kami it was time to treat them as equals--meaning the 'rents should get the nice car--Dad turned the tables on us and decided to drive the van in case there was trouble. The indecision of course, delayed us. Which of course, wore on Dad's patience. Which is why preparing and getting off on the road is my least favorite part of the whole trip process. I would almost rather stay home than go. But we're here and hopefully we can all have fun--what's left of tonight and after the wedding.

Perhaps it's good Dad drove the van after all. He and Mom both provided some excitement along with a squealing, loose fanbelt. Once we picked up Jen and were finally southward bound Mom realized we had two cell phones, Mike's and theirs. By that time we were almost eating Jon's dust. Dad floored it till the van almost shuddered in protest trying to catch up. They (Jon and Kami) however, were practically out of sight. I skidded across the plastic mat towards the ramp and wheelchair doors as he rounded the corner, honking insistently.

When it became apparent they weren't paying attention Mom rolled down her window. Like a madwoman she pushed her head out and screamed, "Stop! Jon STOP!!! HEY! Will you STOP?!!?" She added to the spectacle by waving her arm.

Finally they stopped and we gave them a cell phone. It was a wild beginning. LOL

Then around Pocatello the fanbelt started squealing. Quite the exciting trip so far, huh? *laughs* But that isn't all. We seem to be maiming ourselves on this trip. Last night I managed somehow to pinch my ring finger in the joint of my joystick--why do they call it a 'joystick?'--where it swings out back out of the way. It's turned into a purple blood blister. Man oh man, it hurt! Today Jen hurt her hand when she tried opening the back window of the van. Here in the hotel later on she pinched her finger--same finger as moi--when she tried opening the tv cabinent. Back in the van Aubree took a roll off the bench/bed when Dad abruptly stopped, coming into a traffic jam. She landed hard against the ramp's control panel and between me and the bench. Once at the hotel she smacked Jen's elbow hard on the tv cabinent's door. I bet a throbbing pain zinged up Jen's arm. And just a few minutes ago Jon jumped on one of zee beds and got his toe good on something under zee bed dealing with a roll-away. So far Mom, Kami and Dad are the only ones who've escaped our epidemic of clumsiness. Yes, indeed. This is a trip that won't let itself be covered with cobwebs so easily. Or so quickly. Night.

Things to remember to grab before the kids check out:
-- toothbrush
-- my new CD--> thank you Mom, Jen and Jon!
-- my binder and books
-- hygiene stuff (very important)
-- my pillow
The journey of a 1000 miles begins with a broken fanbelt and a leaky tire.

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