Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
My Entry: A Cat Speaks
08-09-2002 E 9:50 p.m.
*excited meow* They're home! My humans are home! Finally! I've been so lonely and bored, with no human or creature for company but myself and quickly forgotten dreams. I was restless with pent up energy and wanted to run!!

Finally, on the third evening of solitude I heard the rumbling of their vehicle as it pulled into the yard. I began to plaintatively meow in an insistent manner until the mustashed man opened my door. Elatedly, I rushed out to greet the cool fresh air. By this time Mama was heading through the open door in her motorized seat. I followed her anxiously inside and saw the nice lady who sometimes croons to me and gives me meat. I knew she'd pet me if I meowed at her, so I rushed over. Sure enough, she bent down as I wound myself through her ankles, talking and stroking. It felt so good! Excitement filled me. I was not alone! They had come back to me!

"Where's Shiloh? Go to Shiloh," the nice lady said, pointing to a space behind me.

My ears pricked as I picked up the growling noise of Mama's motored chair coming behind me. She smiled and patted her leg. I needed no further urging. I launched myself happily at her and jumped up on her lap and received her loving strokes. I was so overjoyed and couldn't contain myself. As each of my humans came in I went and got a pat or stroke from each of them. I don't know where they went, but I hope they never leave me alone like that for that amount of time again.

I mean I'm an independent sort of cat, I like to prowl and chase pretty felines. But a cat's got needs and should have human ties. They keep us groomed and civilized. And they need some feline to teach them what responsibility is. *pauses to groom self* Yes sir, these humans need me.

Well, I'm gonna go prowl and see if Vivi, the pretty white feline next door wants to play. Shiloh will be back tomorrow, she says, to begin catching up her entries. Maybe then I'll find out where they went. It was nice to finally speak to you; I've been wanting to try my paws at an entry here in her journal, but she always pulled me off this board here and into her lap. Well, this time she was too engrossed in a book to mind.

Egypt here, signing off even though it bears Mama's signature. G'night. meow.

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moon phase


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