Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Shiloh's Crash Diet for the College Student
07-23-2002 E 4:10 p.m.
"I need to lose weight," I remarked to Kami the other day.

"Whatever! Your legs aren't fat!" she commented, looking at me like I just suggested dyeing my hair blue.

I patted my stomach. "Here," I said.

"Well, if you're really serious... Nan and I were talking about this down in Texas." She ticked off tips as she listed them.
� � 1) Eat healthy foods.
� � 2) Reduce your intake of pop, fast food and candy to once a week.

Very good advice. So what do I do? *laughs* Five minutes later ask her to heat up some leftover pizza for me for lunch!

But hey, that's better than my College Student's Crash Diet. But, my diet worked in a pinch! So, for those of you who are poor, struggling college students out on their own I'm gonna share how I survived.

* Breakfast:
Two chocolate doughnuts or popcorn
And if you wish, cold leftover pizza (sometimes it tastes better cold on the morning after)
Cereal and milk

Hot Pockets
Toquitos (they're in the frozen food section of your local grocery store)
Frozen tv dinners
Lunchables (you're getting into fine dining here)
French fries and cherry cheese cake (dessert is optional)
Hamburger Helper (what the heck, you gotta splurge now and then or what's the fun in life?)
Pop or Kool-Aid
Chinese take out and regular take out

This diet is very adaptable. Experiment and bon apetit!

* Inspired by a lunch of oreos today.

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06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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